Three Women Who Fought For Equal Pay

Some people think women have wage equality. They’re wrong. We never have and we still don’t.

Linda Caroll
History of Women


public domain photo from picryl

Letters to the editor are nothing new.

They appear in newspapers all the time.

But in February, 1869 The New York Times published a letter to the editor that tackled a heated topic.

The writer wanted to know why women government workers don’t get paid the same as men doing the exact same job.

She wanted the NYT to find her the answer.

Here’s what it said…

“Very few persons deny the justice of the principle that equal work should command equal pay without regard to the sex of the laborer. But it is one thing to acknowledge the right of a principle and quite another to practice it.” — source: Time Magazine

The writer went on to say the U.S. Government employs 500 women in the Treasury department, but the women get paid half as much as men doing the same job.

She went on…

“Many of these women are now performing the same grade of work at $900 per annum for which men receive $1800. Most of them, too, have families to support; being nearly all either widow or orphans made by the war.” — source: Time Magazine

