A Brief History of The Golden Triangle

Wayland J Blue
8 min readAug 16, 2020

How instability and poverty drove illegal narcotics trafficking.

An opium field in northern Laos. Source: VOA.

Globalization and What it Brings

SSince WWII, the phenomenon of globalization has accelerated — ever more tightly linking the global economy and enabling considerable development throughout the world. Better transport, communication, and trade liberalization have enabled the flow of goods and services to become increasingly efficient — allowing various countries and regions to play to their comparative advantages. Manufacturing has moved to places with cheaper labor and brought down the cost of many goods. Agriculture has industrialized and achieved economies of scale allowing the shipment of relatively low-cost food products from major producers, like the United States, to nations throughout the world. Many have benefited from the availability of products and technologies hitherto unseen.

However, globalization is not without its downside. Many have been upended by the destruction of local industries from the inflow of cheap goods and services from sometimes far off places where there is a greater competitive advantage in production. Local economies have been disrupted, and millions face great difficulty adapting to the destruction of traditional norms and loss of gainful employment. It is important to remember that the advances brought by…



Wayland J Blue

Adventurer/scholar. Interested in politics, religion, language, culture, and the world in general.