Abraham Lincoln Owned a Bar and Wrestled

The Lincoln before we all knew him

Erik Brown
6 min readNov 4, 2020
Classics Illustrated 142 Abraham Lincoln VS Jack Armstrong(1958) — My Comic Shop Website

WeWe often can’t comprehend who people once were by looking at them today. The rich successful neighbor who waves at you from his much larger house may have grown up desperately poor. The fit person jogging by may have been a couch potato a few years prior, and the serious person at work a class clown. The same happens with our leaders.

Those we honor as icons may have looked nothing like the sort in their younger years. I can instantly think of a legendary leader who matches this criterion nicely.

Abraham Lincoln is an iconic character in American history, in fact, it would be hard to write the country’s history without him. However, for as much as we do know about the man, his image is somewhat molded by his actions, offices, and occupations later in life.

We have countless pictures of Lincoln with a stoic-faced serious look. The writings he left are mostly professional and well-written, something you’d expect out of a lawyer and famous politician. But was he always this polished, calm, and professional character?

No, he wasn’t. Did you know old Abe once owned a bar? Well, some called it a “grocery” in those days. He also spent time as a wrestler, becoming well known around his home. Wrestling wasn’t exactly an…

