Humanity Has Always Been Willing to Kill Itself for Vanity

Modern society isn’t shallower than our ancestors

Erik Brown
6 min readNov 8, 2020
“Narcissus” — Painting By Caravaggio 1594–1596 [Public Domain]

“Then, one day, he chanced to see his own reflection in a pool of water and, thus, discovered the ultimate in unrequited love and fell in love with himself. Naturally, this one-way relationship went nowhere, and Narcissus, unable to draw himself away from the pool, pined away in despair until he finally died of thirst and starvation.”

— The Tale of Narcissus, Mark Cartwright, Ancient History Encyclopedia

II remember listening to a startling story on the news about a woman traveling all the way from London to Philadelphia for an illegal cosmetic procedure. It involved silicon injections meant to give someone’s backside a more shapely appearance. Unfortunately, the woman died and the person conducting the procedure was sent to jail.

As strange as this sounds, it wasn’t a unique case. In more recent times, this practice has continued with other unlicensed “doctors” injecting whatever silicone they can find in whatever area a person desires to accentuate.

If you’re thinking this is only a woman’s issue, you’d be wrong. There’s also the curious phenomenon of “bigorexia”. Shantanu Prasher in MensXP, describes this as, “An opposite term for anorexia, it means a drug…

