The Priest Who Proved Einstein Wrong

How the “Master” also proved the Pope wrong

Alexander Yung
4 min readNov 17, 2020
Albert Einstein and Georges Lemaître. Source: Pinterest

AAnyone studying science knows these names: Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin, Stephen Hawking, among many others. However, hardly anyone has ever heard of Georges Lemaître.

Simply put, Lemaître was a Belgian priest who revolutionized the scientific community with a famous theory: the Big Bang.

Even though he is mostly forgotten today, his theories proved Albert Einstein, often considered the greatest scientist ever, wrong!

Einstein and his greatest error

Albert Einstein’s 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics Photograph. Source: Wikimedia Commons

Before Einstein, physicists had two hypotheses regarding the universe: a universe with an infinite space or a universe with a fixed border.

Still, there had to be a middle ground.

In 1917, Albert Einstein discovered a third alternative: the universe can be finite and have no boundary. It’s much like how the Earth’s surface isn’t infinite but at the same time, the Earth doesn’t have an edge where the surface ends.

As a result, the universe can be a 3-D, curved sphere, having finite volume and no…

