The Qin Dynasty — China’s Ancient History

The builders of one of the world’s wonders

John Mcevoy
4 min readDec 1, 2019
Photo by William Christen on Unsplash

The Qin region was located in modern-day Shaanxi province, north of the Zhou dynasty territory. It served as a barrier between it and the less civilised states. Xianyang was its capital.

China derives its European name from the Qin Dynasty. The name ‘Qin’ (pronounced ‘Chin’) is believed to be the ancestor of the modern-day European name of the country, China.

Map of the region of Qin
Map of Qin region

The Qin Dynasty is viewed by many as one of the most significant eras of China due to the amount that was achieved in a short 15 years.

High Points

Seal Script, standardised during the Qin Dynasty

The Qin dynasty saw the improvement of many factors in China. Firstly, they unified the Chinese script during Qin rule. Script replaced the previously used writing systems in other states. The Qin Dynasty standardised communication, money and measures quickly; under their First Emperor



John Mcevoy

Businessmen, Web3.0 and History Enthusiast. Based in London