When The US Dropped A Nuke On Itself

In 1958 the residents of a small town in South Carolina experienced a sight only experienced by residents of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, a falling nuclear warhead.

5 min readMay 11, 2020
The subject of today's essay; Mark 6 Nuclear Bomb

In 1958 the world was in the middle of the Cold War. In order to defend themselves nations around the world were arming themselves with more numerous, and more advanced nuclear arsenals capable of incinerating their enemies.

America was very suspicious of the USSR following WW2 and with the war raging in Korea it was seen as inevitable that communism would sweep in and create a Domino effect onto other Asian nations. In order to secure their allies and ensure capitalism prevailed the US started sending nuclear weapons to other trusted nations such as the United Kingdom in order to deter the Soviets from invasion.

The Manhattan project

In 1938 three nuclear physicists working in Berlin discovered nuclear fission. This essentially means an atom of radioactive material splits into two smaller atoms, thereby releasing an explosive burst of energy. This powerful burst of explosive energy and radiation is what scientists would later attempt to replicate on a larger scale for military use.




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