The History Project featured in The Huffington Post

Udayan Das
History Project
Published in
1 min readAug 4, 2016

One of the biggest obstacles to peace starts in the classroom.

The History Project

Throughout India and Pakistan, history textbooks play a major role in creating long lasting impressions on the young minds. Often these impressions breed hatred and intolerance for the neighbouring country. The two countries have had a shady relationship since their independence and often the history textbooks add up to the antagonism towards an unknown ‘other’.

What’s missing is a dialogue. How well do we know the ‘other’ side?

Ayyaz Ahmad and Qasim Aslam cofounded The History Project Society, an initiative that innovates the way history is taught by highlighting the biases inculcated through textbook narratives that breed a specific brand of patriotism and often perpetuate conflict.

Read more about the project here, or click on the link below.

