Adolf Hitler Had An Intimate Relationship With His Niece

A tale of intimacy and romantic obsession

Yewande Ade
History Street


Raubal and Hitler; Source: Allthatsinteresting

Geli Raubal was 17 years old when her mother brought her to Adolf Hitler’s home. Her mother, Angela, was Hitler’s half-sister. Angela had lost her husband and Hitler invited her to his home so that she could be his housekeeper. Once she arrived, she and Raubal began to live with him.

Initially, Hitler acted like a father figure to Raubal, but things changed as their relationship got more complex. She called him“Uncle Alf” and he was 19 years older than her. With time, Hitler began to develop more interest in his niece and they got closer. Raubal became attached to him and began to attend his business meetings, parties and even interacted with some of his officers.

The relationship between Hitler and Raubal was beyond what was expected between a niece and her uncle. One of Hitler’s longtime friends, Ernst Hanfsteingel revealed that Raubal followed Hitler closely like a teenager in love. They held hands in public and went to cafes, shows and social gatherings.

Raubal enrolled in medical school, but never finished her degree. Her uncle’s constant presence came with severe restrictions. He didn’t want her to have a life outside him. By the time she was 21 years old, she had grown from a naive girl to an…

