The Brutal Legacy Of A King Who Murdered Millions Of Africans

A horrific tale of exploitation, oppression, forced labour and slavery

Yewande Ade
History Street


King Leopold II (left), Congolese indigenes (right) and Congolese labourers tapping rubber (right); Source: Libertywritersafrica

DDuring the late 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, King Leopold II of Belgium ruled Congo Free State. Leopold’s reign in Congo was so brutal, racist and cruel. It was a very harsh form of colonialism which caused the people of Congo great pain due to the utter disregard for human lives and dignity.

Before the international community stepped in to help the men and women of the Congo Free State now known as the Democratic Republic of Congo, Leopold II had maimed and murdered millions of the inhabitants of the country. Many evil deeds that happened during the reign of Leopold II have been linked to the labour policies that were effected during the collection of natural rubber for export.


Some sources have revealed that Leopold presented himself as a philanthropist who was eager to bring the benefits of western civilization, christianity and commerce to Africans. He disguised his work and made it seem humanitarian. Whereas, he had sinister motives and was using forced labour to move Congolese resources.

Leopold II took ownership of Congo and treated it like his personal property from 1885 to…

