The Father of Photography

In 1826, the French inventor Nicéphore Niépce captured the first known fixed photograph. Credited with being the inventor of photography, Niépce also served as a pioneer in the field throughout his later life.

Danielle Gibson
History Through the Lens


View from the Window at Le Gras. The first ever permeant fixed image captured. — Image courtesy of WikiMedia Commons

On March 7, 1765, a wealthy French family welcomed their second son into the world in Chalon-sur-Saône, France. The couple gave the baby boy the name of Joseph.

The French lawyer Claude Niépce and his wife Claudine were well-off members of society. They certainly had the means to provide young Joseph and all three of their other children with ample education and opportunity.

However, hardly anyone could have predicted in 1765 that the Niépce’s baby boy would go onto become an influential inventor and create one of the most revolutionary technologies of the age.

Becoming Nicéphore Niépce

While Nicéphore Niépce is remembered for being the father of photography and his greater contributions to the field, these achievements did not come until much later in his life. Niépce did not actually become an inventor until he was 30-years-old.

His most notable achievement wasn’t even accomplished until he was already in his…



Danielle Gibson
History Through the Lens

Danielle Gibson is a copywriter by day and explores creative writing by night.