And So It Begins

Sam Ursu
History Unzipped
Published in
3 min readJun 14, 2023

I am, as of this writing, 50 years old.

My name is Sam Ursu. It is my “real name” both in the sense that this is what people who know me, call me, and what is written on all of my official government documents.

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I was born in the United States to two American parents whose ancestors had been living in that country for at least four generations, but I have spent more than half my life living far beyond its borders.

I now live at the end of a small street with no name, in a country that does not exist.

Every word you will read on these pages is true.

The only question is whether you have ears to hear them.

Fair Warning

This publication is exclusively for adults.

By “adults,” I do not mean it as a byword for things such as nudity, sex, tobacco, weapons, or narcotics, although those topics may, occasionally, be discussed.

Nor do I mean “adult” in the sense of having lived a minimum number of years on this planet. In my lifetime, I have known 10-year-olds who were adults and 75-year-olds who were not.

An adult is simply thus: one who is vigilant in their actions, speech, and observations.


On these pages, many lies will be revealed, and many illusions will be shattered. It is not a journey for the faint-hearted, and if you choose to walk another path, there will be no judgement.

At no point will “conspiracy theories” be discussed, in the sense of two or more powerful people coming together to disseminate a lie or cloud the truth with falsehoods. There are already enough good people doing this work.

Here, we will only discuss that which is already lying about in the open, unhidden in any way, except that there is often a dense fog that impedes our vision.

If it were up to me, I would spend the rest of my days enjoying time with my family and watching the bumbling flight of bumblebees in my garden, content in my little patch of quiet paradise.

But there are two horrible yet pervasively lies that are on the verge of becoming fatal to humanity, ancient mistruths that have riddled modern society like a malignant cancer.

These lies are:

  • Human beings are, in their very essence, cursed or “bad” or evil or rotten or otherwise “less than”; and
  • The “public” or the “masses” cannot handle the truth, and so it must be exclusively the domain of a small group of “select” individuals or “elites” or “wise elders.”

Both of these assertions are categorically false, but ripping away that illusion will be unbearably painful, and so many will go to unspeakable ends in order to not have to let go.

Nonetheless, this is what I feel called to do, and it is why I write.

If you’re ready, come join me.

If not, godspeed, and go in peace.



Sam Ursu
History Unzipped

Somehow, I ended up moving to a country that doesn't exist