Figma is losing its cursors.

Roman Roan
Product of Our Time
2 min readApr 6, 2024


Figma completely lost their mind it seems. Here I am struggling to select copies of a component, because after 10 years there is no such basic function, Figma shows me an invitation to check out the “new cursors”.

An arrow appears in your toolbar, which didn’t happen since “Dev Mode”. So I guess it’s pretty important then!

Opens to this dialog. Cursors? What? Are those magical AI cursors that will do the work for you? No? Just a cursor? Was it something that was requested a lot? Because never in my life, while working on a design, did I think, “hmmm… if only my cursor looked like a record player…”.

Now in this dialog, you can “Take a snapshot.” But why? Then this “Behind the design” link takes you to a page to demonstrate the cookie banner that takes a quarter of it.

After you dismiss the dialog, is the silly arrow still in the toolbar? Will it be there forever? Must be someone from the Figma organisation needed to validate their role and couldn’t come up with a more in-your-face feature than cursors, and then put it into the main toolbar, for everyone to see.

I just wasted minutes on this useless interaction, and Figma wasted who knows how many resources on it, when they could spend that on adding functionality that we actually need, like the one I mentioned in the beginning.

Is this what Figma is becoming now, a PROCRASTINATION CLUB?

