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Your Spouse Shouldn’t Be Your Everything

Let’s have a closer look at that job description.

Published in
4 min readJan 18, 2021


Many of us fall into the trap of believing that once we find ‘the one’ all of our problems will go away. Because we have an unrealistic idea of what a spouse is supposed to do, we can often assign them jobs that don’t actually belong to them.

Having a partner is great, but unfortunately for everyone, no human being is perfect. It turns out that you shouldn’t hold your partner to a standard that you won’t hold yourself to.

Here are some things that your partner shouldn’t be to you.

Your partner isn’t your only friend.

This one seems self-explanatory. You should have a few different friends that you can trust, rely on, and talk to about things that your husband shouldn’t be involved in.

I’m not encouraging secrecy between couples or taboo topics, but you should have friends outside of your relationship.

I’m a big lover of books and writing, so I have friends to talk to about those topics. If I chewed my husband’s ear off about everything I was reading, he would not only be terribly bored with our conversations but might become apprehensive about communicating with me.




Writer and author with an MA in creative writing, sharing knowledge and teaching techniques to level up your writing! Find me at