How Digital Marketing and Human Resource Recruitment are Two Peas in a Pod | Hite Digital

Brianny Chamorro
Hite Digital
Published in
2 min readAug 15, 2019

I have been involved in Human Resource Recruitment for nine years, and I’m amazed at how much digital marketing and HR have in common. With the growing popularity of social media and digital influencing channels, HR departments are starting to dip into the social media waters, slowly leveraging it in the search for new and more fitting potential employees (or team members, as I prefer to call them).

Let’s explore some ways in which digital marketing and human resource recruitment are similar.

Social Media

The most used platform for recruitment is undoubtedly LinkedIn, a professional network, with around 160 million members (mostly professionals in their 25s and older). When I meet someone in a professional sphere and I don’t get their resume, the best way for me to locate them is to find them on LinkedIn.

By contrast, Facebook isn’t set up for a professional contact, but still has its uses. The entire platform and system is designed to let people “share and communicate.” This is a great option for team members to share job openings on their profiles, leading their friends to discover job opportunities. This provides us in HR a bigger pool of talent.

Website Presence & Branding

Let’s face it! Recruiting new team members is now partially centered on how well a business can advertise its own brand. With the internet, he or she can research how companies are structured, their culture, team collaboration, leadership, etc. to see if it fits their personal preferences and goals. In order for a job search to be successful, businesses need to be on top of their web presence and image.

Long story short, new team members are the future of any business’ success. Finding the right team members can be a challenge for HR departments, and finding the right business to work for can be an equally daunting process for working individuals.

Whether gathering data from digital analytics or viewing and contacting potential team members through social profiles, HR and digital marketing share strategies for success. By leveraging digital marketing tools, HR departments can vastly improve their recruitment strategies through an evolved process.

Originally published at on August 15, 2019.



Brianny Chamorro
Hite Digital

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