Understanding Audience for Blogging in Tech Stories and Entrepreneurship

My Experiences

MyThoo //
Write Techpreneur
Published in
5 min readFeb 19, 2024


As a blogger and writer, I’ve realized that understanding my audience is fundamental to creating content that resonates and inspires.

Let me share insights into three distinct audience types with unique interests and needs.

Minimalistic illustration of a tech-savvy teacher with exaggerated glasses and a futuristic outfit, pointing at a digital blackboard displaying a ‘smart plate’ diagram, in front of an abstract audience. The classroom is depicted in beige, violet, and gold, emphasizing a sophisticated yet warm atmospher
A Glimpse into the Future: Tech-Savvy Teaching with a Twist. Generated by the author with DALL-E.

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  1. The Tech-Savvy Enthusiast

I often write for the tech-savvy enthusiast, who might be an individual deeply interested in the latest technological advancements.

This reader isn’t just looking for news; they’re seeking insightful analysis and practical applications of new technologies in their daily lives. Be it the most recent AI trends, blockchain potential, or the latest gadgets, they crave content that’s both informative and forward-thinking.

Writing for the Tech Enthusiast focuses on delivering rich information-rich content and exploring the future implications of these technologies. I discuss how AI is revolutionizing various industries, the impact of blockchain on personal finance, and reviews of cutting-edge gadgets enhancing efficiency in daily life.



MyThoo //
Write Techpreneur

Expert in ICT sales, Writer, tech enthusiast. Exploring growth, self-help & entrepreneurial edge of writing. Let's journey! 📩hitechstories.medium.com/subscribe