Bi-weekly Report | “Global Blockchain Open-source Node Program” launched with IOST as the 1st Member Project

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3 min readJul 10, 2020

B-weekly Highlights

● HitHub launched “Global Blockchain Open-source Node Program” which will build a decentralized open-source ecology by working with top-tier Blockchain projects.

IOST becomes the 1st member project of the Node Program through Strategic Partnership with HitHub.

● HitHub COO speaks during AMA in IOST official group, discussing the status-quo and future development of open-source platform with developers.

Project Progress

Bi-weekly Development Progress

Detailed work completed in this phase includes:

● Product and Technical Updates

I: Technical Development

HitHub-Browser development undergoing:

a. Development work includes browser info collection function which enables checking of HitHub custodian repository statistics through the browser;

b. Repository checking function is under development, once completed, it enables checking of designated repository item lists and configurations etc through the browser;

c. HitHub Repository Browser requirement sorting and technical plan making;

d. Front-end design of the HitHub Repository Browser.

Hit-java optimization and bug fixing:

a. Optimize hit-java smart contracts including the logics of information recording;

b. Fixed the bug of submission status change due to time-out when submitting hit-java codes and visiting the smart contract.

II: Development Plans

Development plans in August:

a. Development of HitHub Browser functions;

b. Optimize hit-java function and interface experience.

Subsequent Plans:

a. By applying Filecoin technology, designated and decentralized storage nodes will be built. Development of designated and distributed storage HitHub-Filecoin Test-Net;

b. Development of designated and distributed storage HitHub-Filecoin Main-net;

c. Development of HitHub Repository wallet;

d. Optimize and develop HitHub HIT incentive mechanism;

e. Development of HitHub trading marketplace.

Updated Roadmap

2020.Q3 — HitHub-Browser Online

2020.Q4 — HitHub-FileCoin TestNet Online

2021.Q1 — HitHub-FileCoin MainNet Online

2021.Q2 — HitHub Repository Wallet Online

2021.Q3 — HIT Incentive Mechanism Launched

2021.Q4 — HitHub Marketplace Online

Ecological Construction

● “Global Blockchain Open-source Node Program”

In order to empower open-source ecology and offer solutions to challenges facing developer product security management, capability assessment, timely value delivery, rapid implementation of ideas and proprietary authentication, HitHub — the decentralized incentive community for developers launches “Global Blockchain Open-source Node Program” which will partner with top-tier Blockchain projects in co-building decentralized open-source ecology. As the world’s fourth largest public chain, featuring high throughput and high scalability, IOST dedicates itself in Blockchain application promotions and expanding into a series of application scenarios including commercials and client-side terminals. By joining the Node Program, IOST will support HitHub in building the public-chain network and provide technical consulting and support for HitHub public chain on how to avoid excessive sacrifice of censorship resistance while improving scalability.

Community Development

AMA in IOST Official Group

On July 9th, invited by IOST, HitHub COO Bobby spoke in an AMA session in IOST’s official Telegram group. Bobby discussed with IOST community members on the status-quo and future development of open-source ecology and other issues including how can developers earn incentives by doing development, challenges and missions of HitHub’s open-source ecology etc. Through the AMA session, the community members of IOST gained more knowledge on HitHub.

About HitHub

HitHub dedicates itself in building a credible and decentralized co-working development infrastructure to carry a fair market of developers’ works, from which a transparent credit reference system for developers could be built to ultimately form a community of developers, by developers and for developers.

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Decentralized and Incentivized Developer Community Protocol. BY DEVELOPERS. FOR DEVELOPERS.