NULS joins HitHub’s “Global Blockchain Open-source Node Program” as the 2nd Member Project

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3 min readJul 14, 2020

Recently, HitHub and NULS reached Strategic Partnership to introduce another ally with both technical strength and open source ideals for the global blockchain developer ecosystem. NULS is a customizable blockchain infrastructure, a global blockchain open source community project, and its attributes are naturally consistent with the “Global Blockchain Open-source Node Program”. NULS is composed of micro-kernels and functional modules, to weaken the new thinking of the main chain, through the separation of events and services, to achieve a highly modular underlying architecture, provide smart contracts, multi-chain parallel, cross-chain consensus and other operating mechanisms to reduce development and The cost of use promotes the commercial application of blockchain.

HitHub will work closely with NULS. As an open source developer community project, NULS will back up the code to HitHub for hosting. At the same time, NULS will take advantage of cross-chain technology to help HitHub improve the cross-chain authentication mechanism. HitHub technically created a cross-chain authentication mechanism, which is a great respect and protection for developers’ labor achievements. The mechanism includes two parts: user identity management and copyright identification. Each developer in the HitHub community corresponds to unique identity information. The identity information is used to identify various activities of the developer in the community, such as community discussions and transactions, code creation, etc. At the same time, the developer’s identity information is also an important basis for protecting the originality of the developer’s labor achievements and infringement.

HitHub generates an ECC (Encrypt Copyright Certificate) certificate for each original code submitted by the developer as its unique mark. The ECC certificate is an important basis for proving the originality of the code, and can effectively support services such as code authentication, authorization, and rights protection. The ECC certificate is stored on the blockchain, which ensures openness, non-tampering and traceability. Any developer can view the code copyright information of the HitHub community at any time, but the content it contains is difficult to be tampered with maliciously. According to the code authorization record it contains, developers can also restore the complete code usage (authorization) path.

NULS has established a multi-chain parallel and cross-chain consensus mechanism. Users can create sub-chains on the basis of NULS or link NULS to existing blockchains. Multi-chain parallel and cross-chain consensus mechanisms realize the exchange of information and value between multiple blockchains, which can carry a large number of applications while greatly improving the performance of the blockchain. NULS has a very flexible design, modularity and multi-chain parallel mechanism, supporting different cross-chain authentication requirements and cross-chain development in multiple forms (network connection methods, consensus mechanisms, data storage methods, different account systems) in multiple sub-chains to provide technical support and consulting help for HitHub.

About HitHub

HitHub dedicates itself in building a credible and decentralized coworking development infrastructure to carry a fair market of developers’ works, from which a transparent credit reference system for developers could be built to ultimately form a community of developers, by developers and for developers.

About NULS

NULS is an open source, enterprise-level, customizable blockchain platform that provides developers with fast blockchain solutions. NULS features microservices, smart contracts, cross-chain interoperability, and rapid chain building, and has set a new industry standard in simplifying blockchain application practices.

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Decentralized and Incentivized Developer Community Protocol. BY DEVELOPERS. FOR DEVELOPERS.