Mitigating Gender Bias in Medical Decision-Making: A Call for Diverse Leadership and Collaborative Innovation

Shereese Maynard
Published in
5 min readFeb 12, 2024

As the quest for equity and precision in healthcare continues, one pervasive challenge remains at the forefront: gender bias in medical decision-making. Hold on, I’m not restating a problem; I’m here to help. Today, let’s explore a trifecta of strategies to confront this bias, highlighting women's critical role in leadership positions within the healthcare ecosystem.

There can be no doubt that disparities in medical decision-making attributed to gender bias continue to challenge the efficacy and equity of patient care. This thought leadership article delves into the critical role that women in leadership positions play in mitigating such biases. It both underscores the undeniable impact of gender-diverse voices in medical innovation and promotes comprehensive collaboration models among academia, industry, and healthcare institutions.

Only women can steer us toward true inclusive healthcare innovation.

It may be a bold statement, but in the annals of healthcare history, the industry’s leadership and innovation pipelines have been predominantly male, resulting in a systemic oversight of women’s health issues. This male dominance has led to a healthcare ecosystem that often overlooks or underrepresents the complexities of women’s health, from research and clinical trials to diagnosis and treatment protocols. Despite these challenges, a transformative shift is underway. It’s the pedagogy of the impacted, in my opinion. An increasing cadre of women are ascending to pivotal leadership roles within healthcare, bringing a profound capacity to reimagine and reshape the landscape. These women leaders are challenging the status quo and embedding their unique insights into the fabric of healthcare innovation. This quiet shift might go unnoticed if it weren’t for the influential voices causing it. When you think of diverse voices in healthcare technology, whose image enters your mind? Here are a few you should know:

  1. Lucy Hocking
  2. Jamie White
  3. Janine Clayton
  4. Shereese Maynard 😉

Their approach is distinguished by a more holistic consideration of gender differences, ensuring that healthcare solutions are gender-sensitive and gender-inclusive. By leveraging their lived experiences and professional expertise, women in leadership positions are uniquely equipped to highlight and address gaps in women’s healthcare that have been long ignored or inadequately addressed. For instance, their advocacy has led to increased funding and research into women-specific health conditions, such as endometriosis and breast cancer, which historically were underfunded or misunderstood. Moreover, they are instrumental in pioneering healthcare technologies and decision-support tools that are inclusive of women’s needs, ensuring these innovations are designed with a gender lens from inception.

So, let’s talk about impact. After all, the proof is in the lipstick. The impact of women’s leadership in healthcare innovation extends beyond addressing women’s health issues; it is a pivotal step towards creating a genuinely inclusive healthcare ecosystem. By ensuring that healthcare innovations are reflective of and responsive to the needs of all genders, women leaders are not only rectifying historical oversights but are also setting new standards for equity and inclusiveness in healthcare. Their leadership exemplifies how gender diversity at the decision-making table can lead to more comprehensive, empathetic, and effective healthcare solutions for everyone. Thus, it is not an overstatement to assert that only women, through their unique perspectives and unwavering commitment to inclusivity, can steer the course toward true inclusive healthcare innovation.

In positions of influence, women are uniquely positioned to drive organizational change, advocate for inclusive clinical trials, and ensure that research methodologies are free from gender bias. Gender diversity at the decision-making level helps to ensure that a broader range of patient experiences are accounted for, ultimately fostering innovation that benefits everyone.

The Harmonic Chord: Gender-Diverse Voices in Medical Innovation

When diverse groups come together to solve problems, the breadth of their experiences leads to more prosperous, more effective solutions. In the context of medical innovation, involving a mix of genders in the design and development process is paramount. It encourages the identification and correction of unconscious biases in developing and applying medical technology and practice.

Consider, for instance, the implications of diagnostic tools that have predominantly been tested on male subjects, potentially overlooking how different symptoms might present in female patients. Bringing women into the equation from the outset can help address such disparities, rendering the final innovation more universally applicable and effective.

Let’s look at some case studies.

The American Medical Association’s Physician Innovation Network (PIN) is an exemplary model of bringing diverse voices to the forefront of healthcare innovation. By creating a platform where physicians, health tech companies, and entrepreneurs can converge, the AMA PIN ensures that a multitude of perspectives inform the healthcare solutions being developed. I was introduced to the PIN program at the Annual Digital Medicine Conference in NYC in 2023. I was pretty pleased with the steps the AMA is taking toward correcting the sins of their past by ensuring a more diverse representation in the field. From its proactive initiatives to increase representation of minorities and women in leadership roles to implementing programs to foster inclusivity and eliminate bias in digital health technology design and application, the AMA’s commitment to a more equitable healthcare landscape was evident. The conference itself was a testament to this change, featuring a broad range of speakers and panelists from various backgrounds and experiences, reflecting the true diversity of the medical field.

Likewise, initiatives like the Women in Medicine Summit offer invaluable opportunities for professional development and empowerment of women in healthcare. The Summit facilitates mentorship, networking, and the sharing of expertise, which, in turn, fosters leadership skills necessary to combat gender bias effectively.

Collaborative Models: A Tripartite Approach

The ecosystem of healthcare innovation thrives on collaboration. By promoting a tripartite model that leverages the strengths of academia, industry, and healthcare enterprises, we can develop a fertile ground for combating gender biases in medical decision-making.

Academic institutions bring rigorous research methodologies and a commitment to education; the industry offers innovative technologies and commercial insights; healthcare provides the practical setting to apply and test these innovations. Together, they form a formidable alliance working towards a bias-free healthcare system that truly understands and caters to its diverse population.

Here’s the thing,

Mitigating gender bias in medical decision-making is not solely a feminist issue — it’s a universal imperative for the advancement of healthcare. The integration of women into leadership roles within health organizations, the promotion of gender diversity in innovation teams, and fostering collaboration across sectors are pivotal strategies toward this goal.

As thought leaders and stakeholders in healthcare, we must champion these strategies with unwavering support and decisive action. Our collective efforts will pave the way toward a future where every individual, regardless of gender, receives medical care that is as fair as it is forward-thinking. If these insights inspire you, please join the conversation and contribute to forging pathways for women leaders and diverse voices in healthcare innovation. You can be part of the movement towards a more equitable and effective healthcare system by sharing this article, discussing its ideas within your networks, and advocating for the strategies outlined here. For further information and to join the initiatives combatting bias in healthcare:



Shereese Maynard

Digital Health Professional. "Health IT Strategist | @BeckersHealthcare Top Women to Know | Speaker & Consultant | Helping Healthcare Innovate & Succeed