The best update ever from Hitlist (#9)

Published in
3 min readSep 26, 2014

Greetings, beautiful people.

Big news this month: we were featured as a ‘Best New App’ in the App Store of 40+ countries, peaking at a ranking #4 in the US, #2 in Canada, #3 in India, etc. Thanks to those of you who helped us navigate the process and tick (well) over the 100k user mark.

FOCUS FOR THE NEXT MONTH: Engagement (+ team)

Would any of you be willing & able to help out with the following?

1. We’re going to be running all sorts of tests to figure out what’s driving user engagement. We may contact you with specific questions, and as always we’d really appreciate feedback: send it over to

2. We’re looking for an Android developer who is passionate about design. Job description here:


Today (September 26th) I will be pitching Hitlist on Fox’s Risk and Reward with Dierdre Bolton. Tune in at 1pm if you’d like to see me do an elevator pitch (in an elevator, natch) and field questions from three VCs. Currently taking suggestions on what I should wear.

We’ll have a major update coming out in mid-October with improved flight filtering, localization in 6 languages, and more. Please let me know if you’d be interested in beta testing. Especially if you’re fluent in French, Spanish, Italian, Portugese, German, or Croatian.

I’ll be in San Francisco next week (the 28th-October 6th) to pitch at the Women 2.0 conference and to meet with some investors and potential partners. I am, as always, looking for a couch or spare bed on which to crash for a few days. Any offers? I will walk dogs, do laundry, buy you wine, and/or bake you the best chocolate chip banana bread you’ve ever had.

We’ve had some great coverage this month:

Hitlist is one of the sponsors of Webcamp Zagreb, taking place October 4th & 5th in Zagreb — let us know if you’ll be in town.


The streets around our office right now are jammed with black SUVs as the leaders of the world converge on midtown NYC for the UN General Assembly. There’s a lot of shitty stuff going on. We remain convinced that travel is one of the things that can most improve the world: that it’s the best education, that it distributes wealth from places that it’s concentrated to places that could use it, that people who travel are more tolerant, more inclined to help others, etc. So we’re building a tool that we hope inspires and enables more travel.

Thanks for all you do to help & support us along the way!


PS I wrote a story about my trip to Afghanistan last year on Medium.

PPS I almost forgot: GIF of the month. Just because it’s beautiful.

swing set through the rain




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