The latest and greatest from Hitlist

Published in
3 min readJan 22, 2015

How are your 2015 workout plans going? Yes, we gave up on ours already too. Otherwise, it’s been a spectacular start to the year and we’re excited to share some of our next steps with you. Highlights:

  • favorite fares we found for our users: $292 round trip from New York to Mumbai and $64 round trip direct from New York to San Francisco.
  • our revenues are growing faster than our burn rate
  • messages like this:
Screen Shot 2015-01-20 at 4.27.54 PM
  • oh, and Luka (our CTO) got engaged to his girlfriend, Alex, who we all think is fantastic

Focus this month is Business Development. Can anyone help with any of the following?

  1. IFTTT: we’re huge fans of the service and feel like we could be a good channel partner. Does anyone know anyone at IFTTT and/or anyone who’s engineered a partnership with them?
  2. India: I’ll be in Mumbai the 7th-17th February (yes, I got one of the $292 fares) for some meetings but also looking to connect with interesting people in travel and tech over there. Anyone I should definitely meet? Any meetups/events I should attend? I have enough time to travel outside of Mumbai if there are good reasons.

And as always: if you think we’re nice, please one click tweet about Hitlist, Like us on Facebook, and follow us on Angellist!


  • we’re excited to roll out Hitlist’s web version, visible at IMPORTANT: it’s still in private beta, so please don’t share this yet, but we’d love any feedback. We’ll probably announce this within the next week.
  • iOS v2.4 is in review, and we released an update of our Android app (well — four, 2.1–2.1.4) so our Android-ish friends can finally search through and filter flights like the good people of iOS-land. Download at
  • Focus for last month was GROWTH. We aimed to hit 250k users by the end of the year, and didn’t: passed 200k on December 23rd and are still shy of 250k. We were planning to release a few projects in December but delayed them as we thought that they’d get lost in the holiday hullabaloo. We were also hoping for another App Store feature — Apple asked for promotional material, which usually means we were being considered for the Best Apps of 2014 lists, but we weren’t chosen. We’re still proud thatwe haven’t spent any money on advertising or other paid marketing channels, even though they could have put us above our goal. Lots still to do.
  • We were highlighted as one of the Best iOS apps of 2014 by The Next Web
  • For those of you who aren’t in tech: Product Hunt has become the place to discover and share new inventions in this wonderful digital world we live in. (Some, like Full Contact, are insanely useful; others, like Gift Wrap My Face……) In December I had the pleasure of curating a list of the best new travel products with Dave Ambrose of Steadfast VC. Dan from Party with a Local, Ari from Vamo, and Varun from Tourlandish: expect a package from
  • we’re testing out a university ambassador program and we’ve been very happy with the work of our Spanish Ambassador, who’s secured coverage for us in the Spanish, Costa Rican, and Mexican press
  • last fall we had the pleasure of working with some students from General Assembly’s UXDI class, who did a final project on features that Hitlist could add. They produced a ridiculously high production value video for us (apparently in 12 hours?) as their final deliverable. If anyone wants an app video made, I’d recommend the work of Jack Paccione and friends.


  • I’ll be speaking at the Travel Marketing Summit in New York this Monday, January 26th. Get yourself a sweet discount code with hitlist-vip at


To help people stop procrastinating and buy tickets, so you never have this man haunt you.


Stay warm out there!

Doctor Popular Fire




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