Before the Halving…the Surging?

Sandra Miller
2 min readAug 1, 2023


hardware wallet design that signals “signing is simple” vs. “crypto is cryptic” will fuel growth

In the rapidly evolving world of cryptocurrencies, security remains a top priority for investors and enthusiasts alike…but the great majority of crypto holders are not using a hardware wallet. At we think this is about to change — big time! Here’s why…

As the crypto market continues to expand, more and more people are becoming aware of the risks associated with online exchanges and software wallets. Consequently, the demand for hardware wallets is set to surge over the next two years.

Hardware wallets offer an unparalleled level of security by keeping private keys offline, away from potential hacking attempts and cyber threats. With increasing incidents of exchange hacks and phishing attacks, crypto holders are seeking a safer alternative to protect their digital assets. A hardware wallet provides peace of mind, assuring users that their cryptocurrencies are safeguarded in a tamper-proof device.

Additionally, as the number of crypto scams and fraudulent schemes rises, people are becoming cautious about the security of their investments. A hardware wallet’s robust authentication process and encrypted storage make it an ideal choice for investors looking to fortify their crypto defenses.

Moreover, regulatory changes in some jurisdictions are likely to mandate more stringent security measures for crypto asset holders. This, coupled with growing awareness of the importance of self-custody, will fuel the adoption of hardware wallets as a secure and compliant means of managing cryptocurrencies. But the emergent leaders will not necessarily be the first to market, anymore than AOL or Yahoo retained their early market dominance. The leaders will offer the user an experience that mirrors their other consumer electronics — portable, simple, intuitive, with a design like Hito | Crypto Wallet’s that boldly shows “signing is simple” vs. a USB-looking thingy design that whispers “crypto is cryptic”.

The surge in hardware wallet adoption over the next two years will be driven by a heightened focus on security, increasing awareness of self-custody benefits, regulatory requirements…and design. As the crypto landscape evolves, safeguarding digital assets with a hardware wallet that users aren’t intimidated to use will be a vital step for all individuals seeking to take control of their financial future.

If you don’t keep your keys in a hardware wallet we’d like to hear from you…what has stopped you?



Sandra Miller

If one is is to contain multitudes, one must stay fit. #Democracy #blockchain #ultrarunning #storytelling