4 Workplace Trends That Will Blow Your Mind

Thoughts from Vijay Mehra, Founder of Journey Coworking

Toland Lawrence
Hive Honey
4 min readJan 16, 2018


Workplaces have been adopting new trends in response to the skyrocketing innovation that’s taking place around the world. This includes responding to the compelling research suggesting that concern for employee wellbeing increases productivity. Employers are becoming more laid-back and caring while team members become more inspired and creative.

The creation of new technology means even more efficient workspaces. Artificial Intelligence, smart offices, and digital assistants mean days of tedium are over for employees who have more important work to do.

As technology rushes in, smaller environmental footprints step in. Companies are displaying commitments to the environment like never before. They go to great lengths to contribute positive change. These efforts not only care for the environment — they save money and boost employee morale.

Let’s dig in to what these changes mean for businesses.

1. Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence appears to be the way of the future in the workplace.

This technology is hard to pass up considering how efficient it is. Countless amounts of data are stored and easily accessible on small devices. With a pool of knowledge and ability to perform many tasks, AI is beginning to complete monotonous work so that employees can spend more time on high priority items.

For example, scheduling has become effortless with the use of AI technology produced by x.ai. Amy and Andrew, the AI personal assistance developed by this company, will set up meetings for you by corresponding with your peers so that you don’t have to. From coffee dates, to phone interviews, to important work meetings, Amy and Andrew have got you covered.

2. Laid-back work environments

Workplace cultures are evolving into more flexible and laid-back settings. Studies show that taking the pressure off and allowing freedom in the workplace actually increases productivity. This flexibility allows employees to take control of their hours, decide how they manage their time, and feel free to prioritize life outside of work.

Companies are finding that these practices make employees happier and more hardworking. They end up showing up to work more, taking less sick time, and got more done during work time.

Office spaces now encourage a balance of work and life outside of work. By embracing hobbies and enjoying life, people feel more fulfilled in all areas of their lives. With the implementation of these relaxed practices, people are all-around happier and harder working.

Coworking spaces are the leading innovators for fun and community building in the workspace. Journey Coworking, based in Austin, Texas, is doing new and fun things for the hardworking members of the space. They feature gaming with PS4s, ping-pong tables, massage chairs, and even yoga classes in the community space. With frequent events for networking and socializing are frequently held. Supportive people come together to help each other thrive in these communities.

3. People skills are prioritized

Having people skills means having the ability to connect with others on a human and authentic level. By communicating kindly with others, those who demonstrate charisma and compassion are more likely to get ahead in the workplace. Being the smartest person in the room is one thing. Now, offices are looking for those who are easy to be around.

Traits such as empathy, patience, and communication skills lead to better teamwork. These qualities are attractive to employers because they lead to more productivity and collaboration. Words like “empathy” and “compassion” were once foreign in the workplace, but now are heard everywhere. Compassion at work increases feelings of safety and dedication to the company.

Positive face-to-face interactions are becoming highly-valued in the workplace. Researchers from The University of California and Harvard did a study and found that “cooperative behavior cascades in human social networks.”

Basically, when you are friendly with someone, they will likely go on to be friendlier with everyone else they interact with for the rest of the day. The same is true of negative interactions. So, caring for and increasing positive interactions in the work place is an essential part of employee morale and productivity. Companies will continue to emphasize these skills and traits.

4. More Eco-friendly

The importance of the eco-footprint has made a ripple through the workforce. People are growing concerned about the environment and want to do better. Businesses have already begun encouraging recycling as it’s an easy way to make a difference and it improves a company’s image.

But, it doesn’t just stop at recycling. Companies are beginning to support local businesses and farmers by including local food in the office meals. Not only do employees love it, it also reduces environmental footprint while increasing a healthy atmosphere at work.

Predictions indicate a future of gardens at every office where employees can harvest vegetables for lunch. This hands-on experience will likely create an entirely new level of involvement and caring for the environment. Gardening also has many health benefits including better brain health and less stress. Creating a company garden means providing a space where employees can take a mental break while engaging in a calming activity. Notable companies such as Google, PepsiCo, and Yahoo have already embraced this trend and have begun growing their own gardens. As a result, employee morale gets a huge boost and negative environmental impact goes down.

The world is undergoing some powerful changes in technology and innovation. As all of these advances take place, workplace trends will move one step ahead.

