Getting onboarding right

Turning new hires into engaged employees

Toland Lawrence
Hive Honey
3 min readFeb 3, 2017


Engaged employees are the lifeblood of any company.

Not only are engaged employees more fulfilled and committed, but they also can have a measurable impact on revenue. (A study by Gallup found that companies with more engaged employees had 147% higher earnings per share than the competition.)

At Hive, we wanted to make sure we created a culture that keeps team members motivated and committed.

We knew that buying a ping pong table and a bunch of cool snacks wasn’t what made a culture great (although it is nice).

So, what does?

For us, it’s investing in the success of each team member and getting them involved from the start in our long term vision.

To build and reinforce this culture, we decided the best place to start was at the beginning: onboarding. We consulted the Zenefits blog for some key tips and tricks and then put together a checklist of all the key actions to take. The emphasis was on making new hires feel comfortable and welcome right away.

With this check-list, we could provide a consistent experience each time and never neglect important tasks, even when we’re super busy:

Our onboarding process in Hive

That worked pretty well, but it wasn’t as seamless as we liked. Then, we heard about the Zenefit’s integrated apps.

An integration between Zenefits and Hive seemed like the perfect way to streamline our onboarding process.

Hive + Zenefits = Easiest Onboarding Ever

So we worked with the awesome people at Zenefits to build a direct integration for onboarding.

With the new integration, when you hire or fire someone in Zenefits, it automatically adds or deletes (as appropriate) their account in Hive.

But that’s not even the best part.

Every time a new hire is added, it automatically triggers an onboarding process in Hive. So before and after the new hire arrives, their manager will have a checklist of everything they need to do to get that person started.

By putting it right on their to do list, they can’t forget it (unlike the five ignored emails HR usually sends).

This new integration has been key in helping us stay committed to creating an engaged team despite the many things that keep us busy every day.

How does your team do onboarding? What are some strategies that have worked for you?

We’d love to hear your thoughts!

