Introducing the Hive Power Team

Hive Power
Published in
3 min readFeb 19, 2018

Gianluca Corbellini holds a M.Sc. in Mathematical Engineering from the Politecnico di Milano, focused on mathematical modelling, optimization and artificial intelligence. He has a large experience in multinational corporations in the energy business, having been asset manager for photovoltaic plants and research engineer in the oil and gas industry. In the University of Applied Science and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) he is involved in modelling of photovoltaics plants, in the development of new business models for the optimization of smart grids. He was also lecturer for the course “Design of Energy Systems” regarding the design of micro-grids.

Davide Rivola is a senior researcher with a multi-disciplinary micro-engineering background. He is leading the Energy Systems research sector at SUPSI. Before his research activities he gained several years of industrial experience, designing industrial automation systems and developing real-time software for embedded electronics. During the last seven years he researched, developed and trialed in pilot projects fully decentralized energy management systems for self-consumption optimization and grid instability reduction. He is personally involved in blockchain technology since 2013, with an enthusiasm that only grew during time.

Vasco Medici received a M.Sc. in Micro-Engineering from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne and a Ph.D. in Neuroinformatics from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich. He previously worked in the development of real-time 3D video-based tracking applications. He currently leads the Intelligent Energy Systems Team at SUPSI, where is also teaches the “Introduction to Smart Grid” course. His main competences are system identification, algorithmics, modeling and simulation. He is the coordinator at SUPSI for the Swiss Competence Center for Energy Research on Future Swiss Electrical Infrastructure SCCER FURIES. In close collaboration with industrial partners, his team runs a number of pilot projects in the field of demand side management applied to smart grids.

Lorenzo Nespoli received the M.Sc. degree in Energy Engineering from Politecnico di Milano in 2013. Since 2014 he works on multiphysics simulations and electric grid optimization at SUPSI, where he is lecturer for the “Introduction to Smart Grid” course. He is a Ph.D. candidate at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, where he is working on decentralized control algorithms and model-based forecasts for demand side management in the distribution grid, in the context of Swiss Competence Center for Energy Research — Future Swiss Electrical Infrastructure SCCER FURIES.

Davide Strepparava is a researcher of the Intelligent Energy Systems Team at the Institute for Sustainability Applied to the Built Environment at SUPSI. He received a M.Sc. in Computer Science from the Politecnico di Milano. Before his academic activity, he worked for several years in building automation and access control industries. He has a notable experience in data science and database management. In SUPSI he is involved in research projects mainly related to the monitoring of solar plants and smart grids. In the last two years he matured an accomplished experience in blockchain technology, especially focused on Ethereum platform, working on research projects related to decentralized and smart energy markets.

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