Getting to Know Dana: The Best of HiVE West

Published in
3 min readJan 20, 2017

Job Title: Super Awesome Digital Projects Coordinator

HiVE team member since: January 2017

What children’s character do you relate with most? Why?

Little Lulu was always a favourite. Her mischievous nature seemed to resonate with me on a very deep level as a kid.

When you graduated high school what did you want to do?

I wanted to do it all! I wanted to travel the world and conquer everything in my path — although that path never seemed too clear.

What’s one thing you’ve always wanted to do, but haven’t yet?

Start my own business/organization. I’ve always liked being independent and find that I thrive when I am able to do the things that make me happiest to the ‘beat of my own drum’. One day I will find my true passion and develop it into a career, but until then i’m trying my hand at everything and seeing what sticks!

What books are at your bedside?

Right now I’m working on ‘The Unbearable Lightness of Being’ by Milan Kundera

Before working at HiVE, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?

I worked at the concierge desk at the Hilton in Tel Aviv. Besides a few outlandish requests from guests, some of the faces that walked through those revolving doors were faces I never imagined encountering. *cough* Cristiano Ronaldo *cough*.

What does social impact mean to you?

To me, social impact is all about education and the exchange of ideas and information to change people’s minds and hearts, and to create a future that looks slightly brighter than many may anticipate.

What brought you to HiVE?

The amazing work that is done here and the concept behind the space; it initially seemed quite foreign to me but was truly intriguing and inspiring.

What was your first impression of HiVE?

The inclusive environment that has flourished really attracted me to the space and let me feel right at home on my very first day.

What are your hopes for your industry/the world?

Creating social change is not an easy task, therefore my hopes are quite simple. I hope that gradually, through education, we are able to give rise to a more understanding and empathetic society.

What’s one thing you wish people knew about you?

What spinach is to Popeye, Ramen is to me.

What do you love about being a HiVE member (eg. Friendship, business partners, relationships)?

Inclusivity and the creative atmosphere of the space.

What’s the best/worst thing that has happened to you since working at HiVE?

Is it bad that I’ve only been here a couple of days and already feel so comfortable?

Is there any type of support that you’re looking for, or a particular project you want to share?

I’m looking forward to working towards developing my creative skills through projects that push for change here at the HiVE.



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HiVE is a community hub with a mission to support and amplify the social impact sector in Vancouver, BC.