Stories of Sweet Social Impact: Vol. 6

Published in
4 min readMar 9, 2017

With Tim Stringer, Founder of Technically Simple and Holistic Productivity

Stories of Sweet Social Impact is our monthly member series. Each month we sit down with a HiVE member or alumni to learn more about what makes them tick and the work that they’re doing to change the world.

Following Wellness Month in February, we decided to interview Tim Stringer — professional kundalini yoga instructor and productivity enthusiast. With a knack for both technology and mindfulness, Tim strives to merge the two fields while running Technically Simple and Holistic Productivity. Read more about what Tim thinks of the HiVE and how a coworking space for social impact affects his day-to-day work.

The Low-down:

Holistic Productivity is an approach and online community that encompasses technology, productivity and mindfulness. Their courses, workshops and seminars support people in applying timeless teachings using technology.

When you graduated high school what did you want to do?

I considered music or engineering. I decided on engineering as I was influenced by my father being an engineer and by my interest in technology.

What’s one thing you’ve always wanted to do, but haven’t yet?

I would love to go to New Zealand. I worked with a lot of people from there, but have never been before.

What books are at your bedside?

I just finished reading “The Power of When” which is all about chronotypes. “Essentialism” is another great read that I would recommend.

Before working at Holistic Productivity, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?

Holistic Productivity is an offshoot of Technically Simple — a company I’ve been leading since 2003. I started Holistic Productivity nine years ago drawing on lessons that I learned while healing from cancer.

I’ve never really had any unusual Jobs. I guess Statistics Canada was unusual for me looking back.

What does social impact mean to you?

Social impact can take many different forms. For some people it’s all about being out there and protesting. For others it’s all about supporting the back-end and leveraging social media. I encourage each person to come up with their own definition of “social impact” and to get clear on what role they’re going to play in making our planet a better place.

What brought you to HiVE?

The bus! Okay, bad answer. I have been working from a home office for years. It was convenient and the commute was short. But I did find that I felt isolated.

I like having people around to bounce ideas off of and being part of a community. The HiVE fits the bill perfectly. I also like hearing people’s projects and taking part in the weekly salad club.

What was your first impression of HiVE?

Going back a few years now… but it felt like home. It has a very positive vibration and everyone is friendly. It felt like a perfect fit since day one.

What are your hopes for your industry?

A big part of the work I do is using tech effectively and mindfully. It is interesting to witness how technology has changed over the years and the positive and negative aspects of it. I’ve always believed that tech is something that can positively support people at the individual and societal level. It needs to be used effectively as it can often be used in the opposite direction and become an addiction.

What’s one thing you wish people knew about Holistic Productivity/ Technically Simple?

There are great benefits to connect with people face-to-face. Tech is still very much involved in my work as I make extensive use of video conferencing. The key however is that technology can be something that people hide behind, but it can also be used to foster human connections.

What do you love about being a HiVE member (eg. Friendship, business partners, relationships)?

The people that I have met and the encouragement that I have received. The feeling of community and collaboration. There is no sense of competition at the HiVE.

Is there any type of support that you’re looking for, or a particular project you want to share?

I’m not getting as much time as I’d like to lead courses, so I need to expand the team. Marketing is one side that I’d happily hand off to one or a group of people. I have a lot going on, and I like working in a team environment.

Be sure to check out both Holistic Productivity and Technically Simple for a better idea on how to use technology more mindfully at work and home.



Editor for

HiVE is a community hub with a mission to support and amplify the social impact sector in Vancouver, BC.