Welcoming Aman Chandi to the HiVE Community

Neil Sekhon
Published in
3 min readDec 14, 2016

The HiVE family is growing and we are so happy to welcome Aman Chandi as our creative Digital Projects Coordinator! Much like our Stories of Sweet Social Impact, we interview Aman to find out what makes her really tick and why she is involved in the world of social impact.

Job Title: Super Awesome Digital Projects Coordinator
HiVE team member since: November 2016

What children’s character do you relate with most? Why?

This is a hard question. Regardless, I see myself as a mix between Francine and Sue Ellen from Arthur. Unlike Francine, I am not into sports at all, but I would consider myself as a tomboy. However, Sue Ellen seems to embody more of my nature as she is, “kind, honest and creative” and easy to get along with.

When you graduated high school what did you want to do?

I wanted to be a graphic designer, but to be honest I was very unsure because I viewed it as just a hobby. This has definitely changed now. I have also considered being a lawyer or a doctor — you know the typical get rich fast type of careers.

What’s one thing you’ve always wanted to do, but haven’t yet?

I really want to travel especially to Senegal. I am captivated by its hues. I also want to start a co-operative of some sort…something that involves architecture.

What books are at your bedside?

I have been reading “Understanding Power” by Noam Chomsky for years it seems. Its a tough read, but I am committed to get through it.

Before working at HiVE, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?

I worked as a barista for the longest time and the toilet accidents at the cafe have always been interesting. I won’t reveal much, but one time I was convinced that somebody was dead in the cafe’s bathroom. They had been there for a really long time and I knocked but there was no response. Scared, I called 911 and the firefighters and police arrived. We were shocked to find that the person had just fallen asleep on the toilet.

What does social impact mean to you?

Social impact means co-operatives. I view the mode of co-ops as the only sustainable and ethical solution to foster a healthy economy.

What brought you to HiVE?

I was brought here through my professor’s constant endorsement of social impact organizations. Organizations like HiVE provide an alternative mode of work and anew definition of success focusing on creating sustainable and stronger local communities.

What was your first impression of HiVE?

You guys have a great tea selection — I instantly fell in love. Also there is a lot bubbling up.

What are your hopes for your industry/the world?

I am really not sure yet, but I want to go to grad school and study architecture and hopefully from there I can gain a clearer sense of my role in the industry and (oh my) in the world.

What’s one thing you wish people knew about you?

I really like fried chicken.

What do you love about being a HiVE member (eg. Friendship, business partners, relationships)?

Understanding, compassion, and passion

What’s the best/worst thing that has happened to you since working at HiVE?

I am too new to answer this, but it is still the tea selection. Oh and also the crazy plant by the hammock, you guys know what it is? I am really intrigued by it.

Is there any type of support that you’re looking for, or a particular project you want to share?

I would love to get involved with whatever cool projects that are going on in the HiVE.

