Community Update #3: Live from CoinAgenda Las Vegas!

With our development team putting the finishing touches to our Proof of Concept, the rest of us flew to Las Vegas yesterday and are already taking part in CoinAgenda Global (Bitcoin & Digital Currency Investors Conference). Our new brand identity is already showcased at the conference hall exhibitor booth and the feedback from the conference attendees — community leaders, cryptocurrency investors and other fintech representatives — has been amazing.

Gal Jakič
3 min readOct 24, 2017


We want our community to get up to speed with what’s been happening with us over the last few days.

Hive Project CEO, Jure Soklic, speaks at the CoinAgenda Spotlight Panel!

With the CoinAgenda programme of events changed at the last moment, our CEO appeared on the Spotlight panel titled ‘Blockchain and Finance’ a day before schedule. We will be publishing a more detailed review of the panel, along with Jure’s quotes, in the days ahead.

We’ve been amazed at the attention the panel has received at CoinAgenda Las Vegas.

Spotlight panel titled Blockchain and Finance at CoinAgenda Las Vegas


If I had to pick a word for the recent developments at Hive Project HQ, the overwhelming theme would be ‘growth’, whether that’s connected with the price of the Hive Project Token (HVN), its daily volume or the awareness that Hive Project is indeed the answer to the liquidity problems faced by SMEs.

Similarly on the community side, our Telegram channel recently hit a pretty big spike in terms of community growth. This represents a new validation that our marketing & communication efforts are moving in the right direction. Both of our channels combined are now very close to the numbers we had on our Slack channel before closing it.

This growth comes hot on the heels of a great stretch for Hive Project — adding Ugur Yildirim as Hive Project’s Chief Financial Officer (CFO), the Hive Project Global Identity launch, as well as announcements on the Proof of Concept & additional speaking appearances at conferences.


I’ve been amazed at how the Hive Project Community is evolving. While our team is monitoring Telegram almost constantly, it is inspiring to watch so many of you assisting with questions about Hive Project as well as helping support some fellow users (e.g. helping them add HVN as a custom token).

Despite our great growth, our community has and always will remain our most valuable asset, and that makes this experience of building a global fintech company even more enjoyable.

Stay in touch! Talk to us on Telegram and get the latest news & updates!

P.S.: There was a rumour on our Telegram channel yesterday that our CEO had been arrested, which has been debunked by our CEO himself. Don’t believe everything you read!



Gal Jakič

CTO @ Hiveterminal. 3x Paralympian, Extreme Adaptive Athlete. Founder @ We Wow Web. Dad to an awesome human being called Leo.