Hiver Updates — Enhancements to Tags, improved Templates editor, Shared Mailbox options and more

Hiver Product Updates
2 min readApr 13, 2018

We have released some very important updates and improvements in the last month. Read on to learn more

Enhancements to Tags

We have made some significant improvements to tags:

  1. Automations: You can now use automations in Shared Mailboxes to automatically add tags to emails that match a condition. For example, you can create an automation to automatically add a tag called “Awesomecompany” to any email that is sent to your shared mailbox by

Here is more on Tags support for Automations

2. Bulk Assignment: You can now select multiple emails and apply a tag to them in one go.

Here is more on Tags support for Bulk Assignments

Improved editor for Templates (with HTML editing support)

We have improved our template editor. This brings in HTML source editing support, better supports for Tables and improved experience when pasting texts from MS Word documents.

Option to remove from inbox on reassignment for Shared Mailboxes

We have added a new advanced setting for Shared Mailboxes — Remove email from inbox on reassignment

With this setting enabled, if a user Jane assigns an email assigned to her to another user Jack, the email is removed from Jane’s inbox.

Here is more on Advanced Settings for Shared Mailboxes

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