Hiver Updates

Hiver Product Updates
2 min readJul 30, 2018

Welcome to the monthly roundup of all the latest improvements on Hiver! Catching up with the new Gmail UI has kept us busy lately, but we still have some nitty gritty upgrades you might find helpful!

Hiver: Cleaner and Friendlier

If Gmail is getting a makeover why shouldn’t we!
Announcing the biggest-ever change to the Hiver Admin Panel

We’ve always stood for making things simpler, such as bringing your help desk inside Gmail as opposed to a complicated legacy software. Moving in the same direction, we’ve changed the Hiver Dashboard to a much cleaner design without changing how it fundamentally works. You set up things faster. You analyze better. You save a bunch of time. And it looks much cooler we say!

Reply button in Notes

You wanted it. You got it! ‘Reply’ option for notes is now live.

Now hit reply in notes that mention you and close conversations faster!
Read more

Email Templates

We heard you and we’ve decided to restrict the add user and edit/delete template rights to just the Admins. Non-Admins can still edit and delete their own templates whereas Admins can perform these actions across all templates & folders. Read more

A few other tweaks

Unassign Option

Easily unassign a team-member from an email conversation or unassign multiple conversations in just one click. Read more

It’s pretty simple:

Hiver Side Bar

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