Hiver Updates — Tags for Shared Mailboxes and Analytics Revamp

Hiver Product Updates
2 min readMar 2, 2018

We have just released a very useful feature and made some improvements in the Analytics User Interface— let’s run you through it.

Hiver Tags

Hiver now supports tags. Hiver Tags for Shared Mailboxes help you organize your emails by categories. For example, if you use a Hiver Shared Mailbox to manage your customer support, you can use tags to organize your customer emails by the kind of questions they ask or problems they report.

You can access tags from Gmail’s left panel. Click and expand a shared mailbox and you can see ‘Tags’ below ‘Closed’

Its very easy to apply tags on emails, remove them or create new ones.

While viewing the Team, Open or Closed section of an email, you can filter the list by tags

*For a better resolution, Right click > Open Image in New Tab

Here is more on the Hiver Tags

Revamped Analytics

Work faster and better with our revamped Analytics User Interface

Hiver gives you reports/analytics for your Shared Mailboxes that helps you to understand how your team is doing, your email volumes and areas for improvement.

The reports provide an overview of all the important metrics for your team and also gives you a breakdown of each metric at the individual team member level.The report is broken down into three tabs; Conversations, Productivity, and Users, as given below:

*For a better resolution, Right click > Open Image in New Tab

With these changes in the Analytics interface, we’re preparing for some significant improvements we will be making to this feature over the next two months. Stay tuned!

Here is more on the Analytics

To know what’s coming next, check out our product roadmap!
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