Snooze is being put to sleep

Hiver Product Updates
2 min readOct 10, 2018

We usually publish product posts when we’ve built a new feature or have improved something. Not this time though. This one’s different. We’re shutting down a popular feature.

We’re not ecstatic to say this but we’re letting the Snooze function go. Why? The new Gmail UI has made Snooze available as a part of standard Gmail features.

The good thing is that Gmail snooze is near identical to the Hiver snooze (albeit with fewer presets) and our users should face no problem in adapting to it.

It’s also a reason to celebrate as it is a strong validation of a product decision we took years ago.

Why did we build the Snooze

Hiver runs on Gmail. While you, the user allow us to nest inside your inboxes, we as a product understand the moral responsibility that comes with it.

While making decisions our product philosophy has always been to ‘only add and improve the Gmail user experience through our actions.’

And in keeping with this philosophy, we have made a lot of additions to Gmail which try to make our user’s work lives smoother and more organized.

Emails have a way of getting lost in the inbox. Snoozing meant you’d not lose an email ever again.

Shelly wants you to get back after a month for an update. Snooze!

Brian needs a week’s time to convince his team on this. Let’s check on him Thursday morning. Snooze!

Your boss is expecting the report before the end of the day. Snooze!

The scenarios are endless. And the answer has always been your faithful Hiver snooze.

You’ll love the native Gmail Snooze

In keeping with our philosophy of always improving the Gmail experience, we would like to NOT bloat your Gmail interface with redundant features.

Not only is this the right thing to do, but it would also help us focus on more important things.

We know a fair a number of our users will reminisce the Hiver Snooze. So will everyone in the Hiver engineering team.

But, Gmail will phase out the Classic UI soon. And now would be a good time to try out the Gmail snooze.

It is pretty straightforward (and almost as good as ours 😉).

But we promise to keep delighting you with our releases and make your work days slightly more easier.

You’d want to note

Starting October 15th, the Hiver Snooze button will no longer be visible above your conversations. Snoozed emails will continue to show up in your inbox at the intended times till October 21st. All emails snoozed for dates after that will be bumped to your inbox on 22nd October. These will have to be setup with Gmail Snooze. You can check the Hiver-Snoozed label to view list of all your snoozed emails.

