(HIVE PROJECT PREMIERE) Presenting our Proof of Concept!

Jure Soklic
Published in
4 min readOct 25, 2017

It has simply been an amazing couple of months at Hive Project HQ. As well as adding some industry leaders to our team and launching our brand new global brand identity, we have been hard at work developing the product itself — which has, and will always be, the team’s primary objective.

From award winning ICO to a recognized & trusted fintech brand

It seems like just yesterday that we were up on stage at CoinAgenda Global in Barcelona, with the judges awarding us best ICO and the top up-and-coming company in the blockchain sphere. The recognition our project received from some of the leading names in the fintech community was followed up by a successful ICO that concluded with over 2,200 contributors trusting us to deliver on our promise — to change the way small businesses around the world get the liquidity they need.

With our core mission at the forefront of our minds, we will continue to work around the clock to turn our vision into reality — to help SMEs worldwide manage their financials like a corporation by providing them a blockchain based liquidity platform. And today’s major announcement represents a momentous step forward towards achieving this goal.

A world premiere at CoinAgenda Global in Las Vegas: Unveiling our Proof of Concept!

Just 3 months after winning CoinAgenda in Barcelona, we are back among other world-class experts and cryptocurrency founders, executives and traders. And it gives me a great pleasure to unveil our PROOF OF CONCEPT — a huge step forward in transforming invoice financing and creating long-term value for our contributors. I am proud that we are on time with our PoC announcement — meeting our milestones, just as we promised. A screenshot of the landing page is below, and the figures are for illustrative purposes only.

Our community, SMEs worldwide and potential investors into the invoices on our platform will now be able to see for themselves just how it will work. With invoices added in just a couple of clicks, the site is intuitive and easy for SMEs to use.

Led by Hive Project Co-Founder and CTO Dejan Jovanovic, our development team has worked wonders over the last few months. The cornerstone of our success, this high level of performance is set to continue and they deserve an immense amount of credit for their efforts. And, as Dejan has explained to the contributors gathered here in Las Vegas over the past few days, we will be deploying the Hive Project PoC source code to our GitHub in the days ahead — giving our community a chance to check out our progress first hand.

Richard Titus, a renowned executive, serial entrepreneur and one of the Wired 100 in 2010, explained in a personal conversation why he is proud to support the project:

“I am delighted with Hive Project’s progress! Their PoC announcement demonstrates serious progress into a real business environment and I am convinced they will make a huge difference to global finance.” (Richard D. Titus)

Jure Soklic, Richard Titus, Dejan Jovanovic and Ugur Yildirim at CoinAgenda in Las Vegas

Revealing our short-term plan

Now that our Proof of Concept has been unveiled, it is clear that we are now backing up our promises with a real-life business contribution. This only underlines what we have been talking about over the last few months — that we are here to stay and our focus is firmly on the project!

We are also making another leap toward creating a blockchain based liquidity platform for SMEs worldwide by posting our PoC online — for SMEs and investors to try for themselves — creating a large database of all parties involved. This will expedite the progress of our business when our liquidity-providing platform is up and running. Our CTO and Co-Founder, Dejan Jovanovic, will explain more about this and all the details behind our Proof of Concept in the days ahead.

Some final thoughts …

The future is bright. And the evidence is there that we are working as hard as humanly possible to make our platform a reality. Another important milestone has been achieved on time — this is crucial because it proves once again that we are more than capable of keeping our promises. My amazing team and I will continue to do whatever it takes to deliver what everybody expects — a blockchain based platform that gives SMEs fast and low-cost liquidity.

You are more than welcome to join our TELEGRAM channel for the latest news and updates from our team. Please come and join us!



Jure Soklic

CEO Hiveterminal — A blockchain based invoice financing platform. Crypto & Equity Investor/Entrepreneur & Decentralized economy believer.