Hiveterminal: Here’s a Backstage Pass to Our Office in Zug; We Are Adding Staff

Gal Jakič
Published in
3 min readNov 30, 2021

The timing could not be better to give you a sneak peek of our new offices in Zug. As we intend to make Hiveterminal a pan-European platform, we have chosen Park Tower — set in the middle of Switzerland’s Crypto Valley in Zug — to be the new home base for the company.

The past few months have been filled with careful consideration of the next steps in the evolution of Hiveterminal’s business model. The main question we have been asking ourselves is: “How can we make the factoring experience more pleasant for invoice buyers and sellers alike?” This is all happening as we continue to attract more invoice buyers and add more companies to the existing 4,200+ from the Slovenian market already present on the platform.

We consider our physical presence in the region to be an important stepping stone in building trust in the platform in the DACH region. Our presence in Crypto Valley is a great way for Hiveterminal to leverage the fintech-friendly environment and network of fintech and crypto companies.

There is no doubt that Park Tower, currently the 17th tallest building in Switzerland, stands out. Not just because of its architecture, but also due to its view, which overlooks the town, the lake, and the mountains.

“We are not at the very top floor, but it is still a great place to be,” CEO Bonart Mati said about the new offices in the first episode of the SoldOnHive podcast. “It [the office] will allow us to attract customers and future employees.”

Our VC company, Atrinum Ventures, has been kind enough to provide us with some (wo)manpower to help kickstart our local staff search. Oksana and Karin have joined the Hiveterminal team part-time to help us with accounting, recruiting/HR, risk management, and compliance.

Our further search will address and strengthen the core of the company. As a fintech company, we are focusing on building up the organization around “fin” and “tech”, namely in business development and account management, with talent actively being scouted for both. Moreover, we aim to strengthen our capabilities in the product and software development space.

We will make sure the team members who are yet to join us will also get their own, proper introduction as they become part of the Hiveterminal team.

Hope you enjoyed this sneak peek and stay tuned.



Gal Jakič

CTO @ Hiveterminal. 3x Paralympian, Extreme Adaptive Athlete. Founder @ We Wow Web. Dad to an awesome human being called Leo.