Hiveterminal: Platform Helpful in Liquidity Crunch

Eva Yildirim
Published in
2 min readApr 1, 2020

As the world continues fighting the COVID-19 epidemic, uncertainty cuts deep, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). They may be needing to quickly increase their liquidity to survive the financial strain that the coronavirus has inevitably had on their regular cash flow. Small businesses — the backbone of the economy — are now in crisis mode as clients begin adopting more conservative spending strategies for the months ahead and brick-and-mortar stores close their doors. SMEs can no longer wait for payment as long as they were able to before.

Hiveterminal was built for times of uncertainty. The month of March has been a prime example of this. As our lives were turned upside down, the platform was transformed into a place for many to turn for their immediate liquidity needs.

We have seen an increase in company verifications, with a total of 46 coming in through the month of March — more than the months of January and February combined with 2567 companies in the verification pipeline. 41 invoices were sold on the platform during this time, providing invoice sellers with a combined total of EUR 116041.93 in liquidity. The platform also collected 289718 HVNs as a result, an increase of 563% over the previously successful month and an unbelievable 83.5% of HVNs collected during the total of the platform’s lifetime.

Hiveterminal has set records in invoice sales, invoice sales fees and HVN fees during this crisis. They are a reflection of many months of work coming to fruition. We believe that Hiveterminal is perfectly positioned to be not just a helping hand in the dark times, but the go-to tool for companies seeking liquidity and investors in search of high returns by the end of 2020!

Hiveterminal has set records in invoice sales, invoice sales fees and HVN fees during this crisis.

We are proud of what we have achieved, but not yet satisfied. A new bar has been set and we will continue doing everything in our power to make sure that record-breaking becomes a standard of performance.

Stay home, stay healthy, stay tuned.

