Hiveterminal: Project Update

Jure Soklic
Published in
3 min readOct 26, 2018

As was always the case in our past, we are not taking any shortcuts when it comes to coming out on the market with the best possible product. We are making sure everything is in line for a successful launch and the growth of our business. While the majority of companies that have carried out token sales in the past years have already closed their doors, we are still here, finalizing procedures for an effective launch and making sure the foundations of our business are stable. Hiveterminal’s success story will depend only on how strong the following pillars are: the product, the ability to on-board users, and the working ethics of our employees. Seeing all the work our team has done in the past weeks and days — the majority of it invisible to the public eye — I have no doubt we have these pillars well covered. Here is a short project update.

Our goal is to be the golden standard for projects funded by token sales, showing the world that the true adoption of the blockchain can be done in the real economy. Hiveterminal has an amazing community, which is helping us raise awareness about the product on social media and coming up with different ways to help us gain visibility almost on a daily basis. We are also taking the business approach, which has proven successful throughout history. This means we are sometimes torn between our willingness to share everything with the community and trying not to reveal our unique strengths and advantages to our competition.

Cutting-Edge Technology Getting Recognised!

Hard work by our Co-Founder and CTO Dejan Jovanovic and our legal team has paid off and I could not be happier to announce that Hiveterminal’s unique blockchain-based technology and business application are patent-pending solutions!

This not only shows the product is truly groundbreaking — which is what we have promised since day one — but that using blockchain technology in different areas of invoice financing is also a world first. The procedure tied to our patent-pending solution is the brainchild of our Co-Founder and CTO and he will publish a blog about the case in the days ahead.

User Acquisition

Prior to the launch, we want to have the Hiveterminal Ambassador Affiliate Program in full swing. The feedback from accounting companies taking part in the program has been very positive so far. Not only have they presented the solution to their customers, we received quite a lot of registrations already. I am personally monitoring the on-boarding and sales process on a daily basis, so, when the time comes, we will have the numbers to back the product. We created an automated affiliate program for tracking purposes and the accounting services in Slovenia will receive their unique codes as we launch.

The Release

We fully understand that our supporters are as eager to use Hiveterminal as we are to show it to the world. But, as we have openly communicated, we have been undertaking the in-depth testing of Hiveterminal and discovered a problem with one of the features. Let me reassure you that we could launch Hiveterminal even without this feature, but that would mean a diminished experience for early adopters, and our current partners, the accounting companies.

The partners at Hiveterminal decided that postponing the launch was a small price to pay for ensuring a hassle-free user experience and safety.

We are already fixing the issue and will review it again after some additional testing. At the end of next week, we will publish an additional report about the situation and I am optimistic that things will become much clearer at that time. I would ask the community to stay focused and patient and keep moral high. Launching is the easy part, what will get us the necessary recognition, and ensure global adoption, are the pillars we mentioned above.

And we have been working hard to get those ready.



Jure Soklic

CEO Hiveterminal — A blockchain based invoice financing platform. Crypto & Equity Investor/Entrepreneur & Decentralized economy believer.