Jure Soklic
Published in
5 min readDec 5, 2017

The short time that has passed since we announced our bold intention to revolutionize the way SMEs around the world get the liquidity they need has been packed with substance, development and growth. With turning points in Barcelona, Las Vegas and now in San Francisco, the whole community is buzzing. And for good reason too. Our team has been proving day in and day out just what a professional, highly motivated and incredibly dedicated group of international experts can do! We have proved that our core mission — to create a blockchain based platform providing SMEs worldwide fast and low-cost liquidity — is on the verge of becoming a reality!

And it is here, on the grand stage of The Future of Money & Technology Summit in San Francisco, that we have made another momentous step forward towards achieving this goal!


It’s been an amazing roundtable on the future of FinTech and tokens. With our CFO, Ugur Yildirim, among the speakers, the future of Hive Project and our position as a FinTech leader in the making were discussed. And I am delighted that our incredible progress has been acknowledged by the FinTech & cryptocurrency founders, executives, traders & key players in attendance here in the mecca of our industry — San Francisco.

With Glen Moore from the world’s largest database of verified ICO information (Token Report) moderating, it was our very own Ugur Yildirim who announced the release date of the HIVE PROJECT PLATFORM’S DEMO VERSION:

“Our development team has been working around the clock to provide small businesses around the world with a solution for their liquidity needs — and we have shown that we mean business. Not only have we met another milestone, we are going one better and over delivering on our promises! It therefore gives me great pleasure to announce that the demo version of the Hive Project Platform will be ONLINE for small businesses, investors and our powerhouse community to see on 21st DECEMBER!” (Ugur Yildirim at The Future of Money Summit, San Francisco)

A sneak preview of the Hive Project demo version — and why this is a momentous step towards a global business

Our CTO and his devoted team of developers are moving mountains every waking hour. And by setting a firm DATE for the release of our DEMO version announcement, they have reminded us yet again of their quality and dependability. As Dejan explained in his interview, the demo version is a pivotal development. Users will be able to register, take on the role of invoice buyer or invoice seller (or both!) and TRY OUT THE PLATFORM FIRST HAND. As well as giving us data on the small businesses and investors registered on the platform, the demo will also help along the discussions we are having with multiple ERP providers from the region. With our media exposure and face-to-face meetings we have been a hot topic of discussion among ERP providers & investors in the region.


Given the high degree of technical complexity involved, not to mention the lightning speed at which we are progressing, the fact that we are setting a date for the launch of our demo version is earth shattering in its own right. It means everything. And it is difficult to overstate just how tough our task is — quite simply, what we are trying to achieve has never been done before.

Nevertheless … we have some more news which could even overshadow this key moment in Hive Project’s young life. After several business meetings this month, our CFO, Ugur , made the following announcement in San Francisco:

“We have now agreed on the full integration of our platform into the system of a leading regional ERP — covering the Central and Eastern Europe region and, in our view, the most exciting piece of news so far — RUSSIA! This mind blowing partnership will fully automate access to our platform for SMEs in the region and give SMEs the option to get funding for their invoices with just a few clicks.” (Ugur Yildirim, San Francisco)

As is common practice, we are required to abide by the conditions of our non-disclosure agreement (NDA). However, we believe we will be able to reveal all the exciting details either on or before the DEMO version release date.

Make absolutely no mistake about it. This is AS BIG AS IT GETS. According to the Deloitte Research Centre report for 2016, there are 5.67 million SMEs (95% of which are microbusinesses) in Russia, with a combined turnover of EUR 700 BILLION! This is a HUGE market and a HUGE opportunity for Hive Project!

Wrapping it up … MUCH MORE TO COME!

With a key cornerstone for our success — a DEMO version of our platform — now well on the way, I am surer than ever we are going to be a global triumph. Everything is coming together. From the top down, and in every aspect of the business, we have delivered on our promises since day one. And with several ERP providers & global leaders in the invoice financing industry now getting behind us, we have no intention of easing up the pace.

When we said that this was going to be a December to Remember, we meant it. It is important to me and our team that you know you can always depend on us to keep our promises. And we mean business when we say: much more is to come this year!

So keep in touch and don’t miss out on latest news — join our active, thriving and ever-growing TELEGRAM community HERE!



Jure Soklic

CEO Hiveterminal — A blockchain based invoice financing platform. Crypto & Equity Investor/Entrepreneur & Decentralized economy believer.