A little update

Thale Sonnemans
Published in
3 min readMay 7, 2019

Hi All,

After a period of radio silence in which we have been busy building the platform, we are starting to ramp up our presence and communication to prepare for our platform’s launch. We will begin regularly updating the community and supporters, but first, we want to take a brief moment to guide everyone through the past couple of months.

So where to begin.

2018 was an exciting year for the entire crypto-industry. Here at Hiway, we got challenged on many levels, and we have seen our company making a real transformation. Our initial plan was to build a prototype and run an ICO afterwards, to secure our runway and get the first users on our platform. However, as everyone experienced in 2018, the market turned drastically, and we decided to postpone our fundraising. We kept building on our product and moved the ICO date in hopes of a market with more positive and welcoming sentiment towards new projects. Unfortunately, the sentiment remained negative and made us dive even deeper into the negativity, so we changed directions. Mid-2018 we took a good look at the market conditions and determined it was time for us to take a different route. Focus on building the Hiway platform itself using the resources generated in our private funding round, investors who stood close to our team and project from the start.

After exploring this new route, we started receiving a lot of positive energy that motivated us to work incredibly hard to build a platform that will change the way we see work in this day and age.

After shifting our energy and time from the ICO and the market sentiment to building the actual product, the process became even more fun and exciting on our side. At the same time, we chose to work on a workable platform and not just a prototype. This meant that there was a lot more work to be done. Much extra work for a small team which we had envisioned to grow as soon as we would have a successful funding round.

With the help of our first round of funding, we were able to grow our team. We added a product manager, developers and grew every department to the size needed to build the basic platform we were all dreaming about for the last year and a half. We expanded our team and started to grow into a professional company instead of the more startup team that we were when we started this adventure.

This worked, we made astonishing progress in a short period of time, but we also decided to spend our budget on development instead of being present in terms of social media activity. We were making a lot of progress on completing the platform, that could be shared, but we did not want to keep everyone on the tip of their toes? For too long with too little to share.

However, we’re back! The platform is nearing completion or at least nearing a point where we are more than happy to share it we the community and start to work on the details. We will still need a couple of months of testing and fine tuning, but we are more than happy and confident to involve everyone who joined Hiway along the way.

Last but not least, we would like to thank everyone. Thank you for sticking around and sharing the same energy we felt when we started this journey. We can’t wait for the next stage and soon be welcoming everyone on our platform!

We’re not there yet, but we’re getting more excited every day about what we are building, and the reactions we get from industry professionals makes us even more excited.

From now on, we will pick up our updates, involve our community in the progress we make and sometimes reach out for some help in spreading our message!

