June Hiway Update + ExMarkets IEO is live today!

Sam Robson
3 min readJun 7, 2019


Hello, Hiway community! June is here! And that means summer (well in the northern hemisphere anyway) is just about upon us. Not only does this mean that most of our days now are brightened up by warm rays of sunshine, but it has also set the stage for one of our busiest and most active periods at Hiway yet! And that is in part thanks to our IEO.

ExMarkets IEO is Officially Live!

As you probably have heard, we joined forces with both Dcoin and ExMarkets to host our first ever IEO. And we were delighted to announce the opening of our WAY token sale on the Dcoin platform first, which is currently active.

Now, as of 3 pm UTC+1, we are equally excited to proclaim that our IEO is officially live on the ExMarkets launchpad. In order to find out more and participate in this exchange, please visit their platform directly via the following link:

ExMarkets IEO

Our reasoning behind collaborating with the Exmarkets exchange is that they are a new player in the European market that is experiencing solid and rapid growth. Together with Dcoin, we believe that our choice of exchanges offers a great balance between the right amount of users and the opportunities to increase awareness of our platform across various regions. Thus, naturally, we couldn’t be more satisfied to open up our IEO across both exchanges as of today. Below you will see an overview of key IEO details, however, as mentioned earlier, please visit Dcoin and ExMarkets directly to discover how you can participate.

IEO Details

Date: Dcoin- Round 2: June 10th, 2019 | ExMarkets- June 7th, 2019

Minimum Purchase Quantity: 10 USDT in WAY Tokens

Public Token Sale Price: 1 WAY = $0.04

Team Update

With everything that’s been happening around our IEO, we’ve seen our communities across all our online platforms become extremely active. As we promised to now stay in touch with you regularly via our social media channels, this has required us as a team to come together and organize strategically to make sure that we are able to respond immediately to any queries or questions. Since announcing our IEO, the activity on our Telegram channel has skyrocketed resulting in each one of our team members taking turns to consistently be responsive 24 hours a day. We have eyes across various groups to help spot any concerns people might have towards Hiway so we are able to solve these immediately and show people why Hiway is the WAY!

Platform Development Update

In terms of the development of our platform, recently we experienced a few changes within our internal structure. This has enabled us to work with more efficiency and effectiveness as we steadily build towards the Beta Version of the Hiway platform. As we speak, our talented developers are working hard on the back-end for the ‘Job Life Cycle’. This aspect of the platform entails the entire cycle that a job, when posted on the platform, will go through in order to properly satisfy all parties involved in the completion of a job. Tweaking these essential functionalities are coming along nicely but as you can imagine, it requires our developers to focus on each minor detail to make sure all is set in the right manner. As progress continues and the launch of the first version of our platform draws nearer, excitement is palpable among the whole Hiway team and of course, our cherished community.

So, check out the possibilities of participating in our current IEO, which is now live on two established exchanges: Dcoin and ExMarkets.

The ExMarkets IEO is officially open from 15:00 UTC +1 today until June 23rd. Additionally, Round 2 of the Dcoin IEO will commence on Monday, June 10th and will continue until Friday the 14th of June.

As always, It is a pleasure to have you follow our journey and feel free to leave us a message or reach out to us with any suggestions, feedback or anything else you’d like to share via the channels below:

Website / Twitter / Facebook / Reddit / LinkedIn / Telegram

