Solving a $200 Billion Problem through the Blockchain: A Look at Hiway’s Blockchain focused marketplace for work

Casper van Well
Published in
3 min readAug 8, 2018

Sometimes, it doesn’t matter how good or skilled you are when faced with trust issues and discrimination. As long as you don’t cut out your own paycheck and issuing the appointment letter, you have no choice but to submit to the will of those who do — and all its attendant whims and bias.

Following the dot-com boom, online recruitment and employment agencies have become big business and a dominant force in the $900 billion gig and freelance industry. Serving as both mediators and facilitators, these agencies help businesses to connect with skilled personnel and freelancers to locate opportunities in need of their services. However, despite their pivotal roles in marrying opportunity with employment, these agencies have earned an unpleasant reputation for cutting corners and charging exorbitant fees for their services. Gone are the days where employment agencies truly work for their charges — sorting and checking up on CVs, interviewing prospects, and even putting out ads.

With supply far outstripping demands due to increased internet literacy and accessibility, the standard of service has dropped drastically resulting in extensive overhead, high financial risk, opacity and lack of trust, service dissatisfaction, global scalability, and security concerns. Overcoming these challenges remains critical to finally cementing the place of the freelance and gig industry’s place in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Hiway is set to accelerate this process.

Meeting the Blockchain-tailored Marketplace for Work

Building on the core foundation of the Fourth Industrial Revolution — Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, and decentralization — Hiway is creating a platform that shatters all known boundaries and barriers to the recruitment process, lowering the costs of engagement, and eliminating the trust issues that has crippled the industry for so long.

Blockchain technology is changing the way values are created, owned, and transacted without the traditional clog of middlemen and centralized databases. Hiway leverages the blockchain to disintermediate trust, decentralize engagement, and permanence records and reputation. The disintermediation and decentralization of exchanges not only opens up engagement to the global community, allowing skilled individuals to apply for employment from anywhere in the world, but also eliminates the inherent risk associated with engaging with faceless entities online through smart contracts and AI. Doesn’t matter if the agency is offering employment opportunities to a hundred or tens of thousands of candidates, the smart contracts enable users to immediately exchange values, ensuring that employees are remunerated immediately for their services upon the execution of agreed terms. These autonomous contracts exists between the employer and the employee, allowing parties to transact without counterparty risk through cryptocurrency.

About Hiway

Establishing De Speer in 2007 as a solutions driven company, Hiway founders are industry veterans who have successfully launched and grown one of the leading employment agency in Europe with a team of over 30 employees and over 500 candidates’ placement. This hands-on experience has proven invaluable to the development of the platform, enabling the team to employ lessons learnt from the shortcomings of the industry in the development of its future.

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