Published in
1 min readMar 27, 2024


The Cross of Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship is often romanticized, but the reality can be far from glamorous. It's a journey that can be likened to the story of the cross, symbolizing rejection, pain, and death, but ultimately leading to resurrection. In this post, we focus on the resurrection - the point of liberation and progress.

Entrepreneurs face a myriad of challenges, from fundraising to customer acquisition, partnerships, and more. It's a journey filled with uncertainties and risks, but the purpose of all the pain and suffering is ultimately liberation.

As an entrepreneur, you are the chosen one, the sacrificial lamb for a greater purpose. Your cross may be a sacrifice, but to your customers, employees, investors, family members, and other beneficiaries, it's a source of shelter, protection, solution, provision, enrichment, success, and growth. The result of carrying your cross is the purpose of its existence in the first place.

So, whenever the journey gets too difficult, remember the effect of the nonexistence of your dream on its beneficiaries. Keep going, my friend. You've got this. #entrepreneurship #resurrection #keepgoing

