Why, What, How: Maya asks the big questions about Hiyalo.

Martins charles
Published in
4 min readJul 26, 2022

Hiyalo to launch its beta on July 31st

Today felt very different. The sun was in full glare, and the surrounding air seemed to be filled with radiating energy. She was there on my screen, the first sign of goodwill, tears streaming down her eyes as she sang the national anthem. Tobi Amusan was like me in so many ways. I had followed her story before, like me she was persevering, hardworking and fixated on her goals. Even if our goals had been different, hers was a goal medal and mine was a set of house keys. It was a new week and not just any week, but the very week that brought me closer to the finish line: the week of Hiyalo’s launch.

My phone was vibrating on the table. An unknown caller, it was probably one of Bode’s theatrics. He had been at it all week, text after text, and even when I had blocked all three numbers of his. Here was another on a Saturday morning. I was in a good mood today, a minor distraction would do. I picked up the call and placed it in hand-free mode.

“What is it, Bode?” I yelled.

A rich masculine voice spoke back to me. It felt like a hot knife cutting through butter.

“Hello ma’am, I believe this is not a good time.”

Of course, this was a good time. Why wouldn’t be? He sounded so polite and well-mannered, nothing like Bode and his arrogant train of lies. He introduced himself as a Hiyalo representative who was simply taking feedback. I must have missed the form. He sent a survey mail. Hiyalo was committed to hearing what opinions its potential customers had, so they sent out this link to collect quick feedback. I missed it, hence the call.

He asked if I had any questions, and yes, I had so many, if not for anything, but to just hear his voice on the other end. My questions were simple: Why Hiyalo? What makes them unique? How can I get started?


“It was simple”, he said, “everyone likes the convenience and ease of a solution, and that is exactly why Hiyalo was created”. Getting an apartment has been one hell of a task for you, and not only are the agents annoying, but they also charge exorbitant fees and are often shady. There are so many stories of woes on the internet. The stories of people engaging multiple agents who ask for money but never deliver. The stories of agents who charge crazy commission fees. Stories of people wasting days, weeks and even months to find a befitting home. At Hiyalo, our major priorities are:

  • Creating a trust-worthy platform where Home renters and landlords can communicate promptly and with ease. Whether you are a property owner who is looking to lease or sell your property or a property buyer/renter looking for an amazing property, you can be certain that Hiyalo is the right place.
  • Providing flexible payment options that allow you to pay conveniently for your home. No worries about fretting about large bulk payments. Hiyalo has you covered, allowing you the convenience of getting your own home.


Several property listing companies are in existence, but Hiyalo is more than just that. At Hiyalo, we see the entire process that leads you to your dream home. And we do this in three steps:

  1. Understand the financial and personal needs of our customers.
  2. Connect them to a property owner, conveniently removing the stress and hassle of housing agents.
  3. Facilitate the acquisition of the property with a payment plan which is unique to you, thus delivering your dream home right into your hands with little to no burn in your pockets.


To get started, these four steps are important:

  1. Follow the Hiyalo Publication by clicking on this link to keep you informed.
  2. Enter your email address in the comment. section
  3. Join the waitlist here by filling out this form.
  4. Get feedback from one of our agents.

By the time the call ended, I was sure that I wanted to see him again. But honestly, after Bode, I was certain that I did not have the strength for Lagos men. Well. I did get a full name though, enough to stalk out his Instagram page. He looked just as his voice suggested he would. Not the kind to share, but hell I am feeling generous today, here you go: my dream come through!



Martins charles
Writer for

Hi I'm Charles. A life long learner, welcome to my thought box, if you stay long enough I have exciting things to share!