Dr Stephanie Ma Kwai-yee — Pulling Out the Weeds | 馬桂宜博士 — 削株掘根 剷除癌症

HKU Medicine
Published in
3 min readJul 22, 2020
Dr Stephanie Ma Kwai-yee from the School of Biomedical Sciences at HKUMed leans against a table in the learning commons


Cancer stem cells (CSCs) are like weeds: cutting off the heads will not be enough to kill them, the roots must also be pulled out. Dr Stephanie Ma Kwai-yee, Associate Professor of the School of Biomedical Sciences, has been at the forefront in addressing this problem and her success has made her one of top one per cent most-cited scholars in her field from 2010 to 2018, as measured by Essential Science Indicators.

Dr Ma’s research interest focuses on identifying novel stemness vulnerabilities in cancer, using the Asian prevalent tumour type, hepatocellular (liver) carcinoma, as a model system. Her work demonstrated the existence of a subpopulation of cells within the liver tumour called CSCs that is associated with the unfavorable outcome of the disease through contributing to tumour recurrence and therapy resistance. And indeed, this special subpopulation of cells is now known to represent an important root of cancer. She and her team subsequently discovered a protein that plays a critical role in therapy resistance and developed an antibody to target the protein in mouse models and patient samples, which was able to reduce the ability of liver cancer cells to initiate tumour growth and self-renew. The antibody has been patented and licensed.

Dr Ma looking discussing with her colleague who’s using a Zeiss Axiovert 100 Phase Contrast Microscope

Dr Ma believes that targeting cancer stem cells is a new venture for precision medicine in oncology. The current goals of her team are to establish new molecular signatures and markers for predicting occurrence, recurrence and drug resistance, to improve patient stratification and identify actionable targets directed at cancer stemness for precision medicine.


Dr Stephanie Ma Kwai-yee is a tenured Associate Professor of the School of Biomedical Sciences, HKUMed and Principal Investigator of the State Key Laboratory of Liver Research, HKU. She obtained both her Bachelor of
Science (Cell Biology and Genetics) and Master of Science (Pathology and Laboratory Medicine) at The University of British Columbia (Canada). Then she returned to her home country and completed her PhD study and received
postdoctoral training at HKU.

Dr Ma’s research interest focuses on identifying novel stemness vulnerabilities in cancer, using Asian prevalent tumour types like hepatocellular carcinoma as model systems. Her research team is interested in understanding how a stemness microenvironment in cancer contributes to drug resistance and tumour recurrence.

Dr Ma is also a founding member of The Hong Kong Young Academy of Sciences and currently chairs their outreach committee to help promote STEM education in Hong Kong. She is also a member of the Future Forum Young Scientist Innovation Alliance in China.

(This article was originally published in Medical Faculty News)

癌幹細胞(CSC)就好像雜草般,要徹底剷除,必須連根拔起。生物醫學學院副教授馬桂宜博士一直是破解癌幹細胞領域的先驅。根據基本科學指標數據庫,從2010年至 2018年,她發表的多篇論文,讓她在相關領域中躋身為獲引用最多的首1%研究學者。




馬桂宜博士是港大醫學院生物醫學學院副教授,也是 港大肝病研究國家重點實驗室的首席研究員。馬博士 在加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學取得細胞生物學及遺傳學 學士學位,以及病理學及實驗室醫學碩士學位之後,於 香港大學完成博士學位及接受博士後培訓。

馬博士的研究範疇主要是利用亞洲常見的癌症類型如 肝癌作為模型系統,來辨識癌細胞的新弱點。她的研究 團隊亦致力了解癌症中的幹細胞微環境如何導致耐藥 性和腫瘤復發。

身兼香港青年科學院創始成員的馬博士,目前擔任該院 的外展委員會主席,以推進香港的STEM教育; 她亦是 中國未來論壇青年科學家創新聯盟成員。

(原文刊登於港大醫學院 Medical Faculty News)



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