Process Is Like Salt — Add It As Needed

Published in
2 min readJan 4, 2022

Growing organizations need processes. But how do we know when we have too much of a good thing?

Maybe it will help to think of process like salt: add it as needed. This sounds simple, right? Just “salt to taste” and you’ve got a gourmet cuisine.

But even something as simple as salt can be a challenge to master. After all, your “to taste” probably differs from the person next to you. A dash too much, and the flavor of the whole plate can be ruined. Too little, and the flavor can disappear.

To that end, there are literally books on how to use salt in your cooking. (Like this one. Or this one.) There isn’t even wide agreement anymore on the type of salt to use — table salt? Kosher salt? Himalayan pink salt?

Your process is a means to an end, like salt is a means to flavor a meal. Keeping this in mind can keep you from letting it overshadow all the work that goes into the final result.

There are two things to remember when it comes to understanding how much to use:

  1. Right amount: Good. Too little or too much: Bad. It tends to be more obvious when we use too much, but too little can also impact the result. It’s important to try it out and get feedback along the way. When the process is causing more trouble than not having one, it might be time to reassess.
  2. Everyone won’t agree on how much to use. We’re talking about individual preferences, after all. Still, there’s a range where it’s generally agreeable to most people. Just like it’s typically pretty clear when there’s too much salt in your food, it’s generally pretty well understood by your team when a process is getting in the way. Individuals will have slightly different preferences, but you can stay in that range where the majority of people accept it.

We need to keep this balance in mind and understand that having a process is not the goal. A process is designed to achieve a goal. Just like eating salt is not the point; it’s to season the cuisine, and ultimately prepare a dish that delights someone’s taste buds!

