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5 min readApr 4, 2018


College what it was & what it should be

A fool is a man with no intellect and a man without learning cannot have intellect, Men who craved knowledge had gone to the end of the world in the pursuit of it since the dawn of time. We lit the dark age with the invention of fire, then came the middle age with the establishment of synagogue, church and mosques that served as beacon of light that embedded the word knowledge into our genes. It became part of whom we are part of what make us human, after that came the renaissance era with the establishment of the cathedrals of the modern age; it was called college. In its simplest form a University is part of the service industry, a restaurant that provides food for thought. In the service industry customers are cruel; even if they are completely satisfied with your service they will be expecting something better next time. Universities evolved as a result of unlimited demand into a mammoth industry that focuses on enrollment rather than education, you pretend to teach we pretend to study. As result of fierce competition to increase the its share of the number of application, Universities transformed into an entertainment facility with a curriculum so free it doesn’t feel like a University anymore. Unlike Fast Food University, healthy University has a lingering taste that will last a life time. This Article adds to the ongoing debate on the topic of Universities in the 21st century, what it was and what it should be. Join me to discover the true purpose of University, survival enlightenment vocational preparation.

In the modern age, our view of education has shifted in general from student work harder into blame the cook. Students can do no wrong, blame the teacher is a result of the culture of entitlement. The essence of good service is that customer is always right, but the concept of minimum effort max result has devastating consequences in society (for more check Japan economic miracle). This ideology place a heavy burden on the instructors where it’s common for a teacher to pass away in three years after they retire; it’s not bad if they can live for five years; they are lucky to live for more than seven. Every job is hard if you do it well but there are no shortcuts in teaching, it’s a very tiresome job. For example, to counter high pressure some universities reserve entries for students who are recommended by their teachers without taking entrance exams. As a student, its common mistake to eat the plate and blame to cook you can create your own recipe. As a teacher don’t make a distinction between self and other when you teach, if you label a child as other than your own you will fail. Therefore to excel as a teacher you must consider all students your own to try your hardest. ‘’ A human being os just like an adventure who faces his inner shadows and heads for the sunshine, at the end of the journey we hope to be someone else sun ‘’ (Won & skin, a Councillor mind).

Going back, I reluctantly agree with the topic of this article that a university should focus on producing a specialized work force capable of thinking on their feet and making their own decisions. Hence, the University curriculum should be tailored specifically to your job to put it more bluntly ‘’ I fear not the man who practice 10,000 kicks a day, i fear the man who practice one kick 10,000 times’’ (Bruce lee, 1970). Keep in mind; it’s a common mistake to assume your carrier after graduation as a student your carrier begins now University isn’t a ticket for a movie it’s the movie. In this competitive market, what you do as a student gives you the extra edge needed to land a job. Hence, don’t wait for the degree to decide what to do with it. Never play chess in life; in life you can make two moves. Bear in mind, college simulation won’t suffice to deal with real life experience to put it simply University is an amazing education base, but experience have taught me more than that of a scholastic education’’. Henceforth, education doesn’t end after graduation for it has only begun. Furthermore, college degree isn’t an equal vent of a job; the truth isn’t quite so rosy. There is no room in today economy for so many freshly minted high school graduates; University is a solution not the answer. I can’t help but find similarities in the past decade when women were systematically damaged by insisting there right place is at home. We might be doing it again by insisting the right place for 18 years old is a University. University is a choose, not a lifestyle (bird, college is a waste of time and money).

The ugly truth, in 21st century economy where a person without degree can’t have a voice. University degree gives you an advantage, but it doesn’t ensure success in life. In my college interviews I was asked why enroll at college? I response to learn something I can’t learn over the internet, as I want to do something extraordinary something challenging not just another organization gear a job that utilize my full potential. As I recap my answer I must admit i was wrong, it’s tough to be a gear for there aren’t many jobs that only I can do and plenty of jobs I can’t do that others can. Therefore, employment after graduation is only one outcome of successful University education. Keep an open mind to occur more skills identify your limitation and surpass it. As a student you are more likely to fallow and have decisions made for you, keep in mind the N.1 skills employers are seeking is the ability to make your own decisions. Dear high schoolers, if the main purpose of going to college is money are advised that there are alternative investments you should consider with higher return on investment. Also, if the purpose of going to college is a piece of paper keep in mind there are alternative short courses that satisfy the employer recruitment requirement. As alternative, Vocational education help students gain skills and employ them in low or middle skills work. The truth, job market doesn’t require every student to enroll in college and get a college degree. (NEA research, reality check).

In conclusion, University is where the rubber hit the road by taking everything you learned and apply in real life on that moment when you hatch from the egg and break the shell you find out who you are. Education a society evil, if given a twisted education the person become twisted corrupting his family company and society. Dear parents, there are three ways to grow up role model, responsibility or pain. Regardless of the outcome, enrolling in a University is bound to grow up for it contains all three elements for maturity. Education isn’t a work tool, in its essence the purpose of education is the ability to learn. There is no universal reason to enroll in college no purpose or goal either, college is an idea that can’t be explained nor does it have to define its reason for existence ‘’ it’s like searching for a language that can’t be spoken, that’s the first step toward adulthood’’ (Joh & Nagatomo).

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