An Arabian view

Published in
4 min readJun 7, 2020

I grow up in Bahrain in an era without internet or news, this is a reflection of the three facts of life i taught myself to understand the world around me. I make no attempt to decipher how i came up with these facts because most of them came from 4th hand knowledge meaning no one was specifically talking about this yet everyone was talking about it; the lack of any define network of communications did me no favors. My three facts of life sprung up in the nineties an era ironically called the beginning of the information age, proceed with caution here are the facts of a nine years old kid.

1/ Michael Jackson choose to be white

Its a fact that i taught myself since i was 9 years old, only white people can be successful in America. Recently, i find-out about MJ firework incident but that doesn’t explain how i associated skin color with being successful in America s like immigration we need to investigate the cause not the effect. I started with Arabian language in Arabic skin color is not define by color, i mean we do have words for colors but we have different words for skin color for example black skin color is called أسمر/Asmr i tried google translate it and it said brown which is the color بني/bni i guess the closest i can explain this is a noun of tanning. Next i tried Islam religion, according to our books somehow our prophet managed to make slave owners free their slaves pay them for work done in slavery and even encouraged to merry the slave owner daughters; today there is no celebrations or fireworks because slaves weren’t freed it just slavery ended. I can’t figure out why i assumed Michael Jackson changed his skin color to be successful in America, but based on recent uproar around the world i can presume that segregation in the united states is so strong that even a blind (no internet) deaf (no news) mute (no discussion) nine years old kid living more than 12 mega-meters away knew for a fact only white people can be successful in America, i can only wonder how many African American kids were led to accept that terrible fact you are not alive nor allowed to live; you are tolerated to live and blamed for it.

2/ New Israel is a country in Europe

Trump tower is built on my Ancestral land i lived here first 5000 years ago it says so in my book it’s now called Asrael, it won’t be easy to focus on this fact; Asrael is the 30th EU member of the European Union a war with Asrael is a war with the entire EU. Eventually, i looked at a map it baffled me how can Asrael be an EU member state when its all the waay over here, truth is we don’t talk Asrael around here we only protest it. Everyone knows if we were born in Palestine it doesn’t matter if you took up arms or not; either way Asrael will shoot everyone bulldoze the bodies into a mosque and blow us up (john bagot glubb/plan dalet). We can’t help but associate Asrael with negative news because it only came up when another Palestinian got killed, the first time we saw it happen “Muhammad al-Durrah” that was it there was nothing to argue about anymore Death to Asrael. I was shell shocked recently when i found out that all the wars started between Arabs and Asrael were started by Asrael “preemptive strikes” with the exception of 2006 when hezbollah kidnap three of their soldiers, even worst since it was a fact that Asrael is an EU member state naturally every war with Asrael is war with Europe. I know today Asrael isn’t part of EU [on paper], but i can only wonder how many Arab kids still associate Asrael with EU specially with last Euro-vision being held in Asrael. Its been over 50 years since Asrael came to be and everyday a gun is pointed at us yes we have guns to defend ourselves but only Asrael has nukes, which nuclear armed nation is currently threatening Asrael?

3/ Australia is for Australians only

Fascinating how a nine years old see the world around him, i never talked heard or saw anything about Australia still it was a fact that Australia is for Australians only NO Immigration. It took less than a gnat eye blink for Raaf Mouhammed Australian visa cancellation leaving her stranded in Thailand, when asked about it Australian government respond we canceled the visa the moment we found-out she was seeking asylum. Let me be clear Australia for Australians is a beautiful sentiment all countries should strive to serve their citizens, the problem is when Aussies join uncle sam misadventures in the middle east. We watched in Horror that Australian kid go on a mosque shooting rampage in operation falconer New Zealand edition, after the smoke cleared we heard nothing from Australia it was like the entire country hid in the Fitzgerald river. Honestly i am confused, i know nothing of a history of war between Arabs and Aussies so why am i currently boycotting Australian products is beyond me. Maybe i just answered my own question, when Denmark did the Muhammeds ansigt cartoon the boycott all Denmark products spread like wildfire to this day some boycott flyers are still glued in some convenience stores, but i didn’t participate in that boycott movement because at that time my schoolmate an Iranian used to live at Denmark defended them voraciously.Unfortunately, doubt i will ever meet an Australian to ask about this unless its another American war in the middle east.

