HGS/USDT to HNB Exchange Function is now Available in the HNB Wallet

HNB blog
Published in
2 min readMar 13, 2019

Dear HNB Community,

We at HNB are grateful for the trust and support from all of our global community. HNB achieved great success with our debut launch on CoinBene exchange on February 28, 2019. As the HNB marketplace grows rapidly, many HNB community members have obtained HGS rewards from shopping. In order to facilitate the circulation of resources, before we launch the HGS/Fiat exchange function (OTC), HNB Core decided to re-open HGS/USDT to HNB exchange function after professional risk evaluation from the time of the announcement. The exchange price fluctuates according to the real-time price of the secondary market. The exchanged HNB is immediately circulated, and it can be withdrawn and traded on CoinBene exchange at any time. Large amounts of HNB may be subject to manual review before approval. The HGS/USDT to HNB exchange function will only be available for a short time, we will make another announcement prior to closing this function.

Note: HNB Core reserves all the rights for the final explanation of the above incentive policies, and HNB Core has the right to make adjustments at any time according to the actual development of the program.

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HNB.ECO team



HNB blog

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