Let Pets Make Your Day

Be a REAL FAMILY to Your Pets

Henry Hu
5 min readDec 18, 2016


My two lovely girls in house — Phoebe(the taller one in the back) & Potato(the one with big ears)

Pets should be your family, not a pet. I know it’s weired I say so while starting the post within an opposite way. But it’s an easier way to get begun after all.

Lots of time we have pets at home for thousands of reasons, the neighbors gave his/her to you, a witness of love between you and your ex-girlfriend/boyfriend, your family bought them as a gift on your 12-yr birthday party. No matter what it was, they’ve come into your life and your world.

Here are my personal experiences living with pet:

  1. Treat your pets as your family. It’s always coming back to you the way you give.
  2. Try adopting a pet, if you are not stuck in some sort of silly incorrect breed senses.
  3. Try to grow with your pets. They educate you when you thought you’re the one educating.

Enjoy it All The Way From Pet Family

Potato, the girl I brought in a trip in the mountain.

You may consider “Pet is just a pet. Why bother?”. Have you ever thought of what if you were a pet within a human’s family and just considered as a pet?

Being honest, I am more a DOG PERSON. Think about this: who doesn’t want a fascinating hogging after a hard-working day? Com’n! That pure smile and the “I’m all yours” lying down in front of you and waiting for just a simple touch from you? It doesn’t really matter if you are a CAT PERSON. You have your feedback in cat ways, even it’s just a disdained look from the cat when you make your first step into the house back from the work.

Potato was 8kg when rescued. Now she’s turning heavier than 10kg.

They are as simple as that. You get a hundred percent of reflection on whom you are to them after how you treat them. You might review your “treating strategy” if you don’t get what you respect from them. They’re not as complicated as humans. They act in the exact way they believe.

Breed is Not Important in Science Declaration

I’m sorry I made my accusation on people who always make pick on account of BREEDS. You will agree with me at the end of this chapter.

Do you really think breeds matter? Tell me what it’s gonna be after you take a complete tour with following video from HUS’CALL, the boutique pet product serial selector from Taiwan:

So, what’s it gonna be? Still a die-hard fan of breeds? Haven’t heard the highlighted point: PURE BREEDS could mean gene defects pretty much.

Plus, we human have crossed the line being a “the intelligent part of the universe”. We start to loose qualifications being mastering on Earth. Things go so wrong — all those pollutions we’ve made so far have started all coming back to us now, and the environment we leave for other creatures turns so bad.

You may simply find stray dogs and cats in your neighborhood. It means their living environment has been squeezed by us. Why not doing yourself a favour? Go to the local stray animal shelter, and make one your family!

According to my personal experience, stray animals know more about “GRATITUDE” if comparing to pets you buy from shops. Try not to be scarred for the bad experiences from other net users online, listen to the good ones. You’ll be surprised at the percentage of bad ones as such a little piece among the total amount.

You may see Phoebe(the taller one) within the first image of the post. She’s been living with me as a family member for more than three years. For Potato, she was discovered on my way of trip to a mountain in Xinzhu, and turns out she is pregnant for two weeks and having her babies by the start of January 2017. These two pretties are important to my family, because they really make our days.

Pregnant! But we’re looking forward for the new lives coming.

Are you having issues on racial discrimination, no matter on human-beings or animals?

Get Educated While Educating

In other words, we learn when we teach. People can have great opportunities while raising kids with pets. That even works for yourself, too.

There are thousands of posts contenting the benefits having pets at home. They both do work in DOGS and CATS, in different ways. I won’t try to focus on those professions from others(not my professional field after all), you may simply locate them with this link.

They may not be speaking the language you use, but they share the Earth we live on.

Here is a recommending page from The Telegraph UK with clear messages of those benefits I’m trying to make out. Listing following for your convenience with these least five benefits:

  1. Fitness
  2. Social
  3. Childhood Learning and Responsibility
  4. Companionship
  5. Mental Health

Whoola! There you go, the benefits you would like to consolidate for making up your minds to have a pet.

Before you make any decision on having pets, let me remind you something: the loyalty and the responsibility to them, just like the parts you’d consider seriously to your family. When you are so sure to that, move on making a call to a local animal shelter and find your next family member. Good luck, and I’m sure you’ll be welcoming the new life for him/her.



Henry Hu

Co-Founder of Chigyosha Marketing Co. A content creator and digital marketer. Addicted in data mining and content marketing. Passionated by visions and dreams.