A Sneak Peek to Live Streaming

Published in
3 min readSep 26, 2021

From the inception of the internet, the interconnected world has performed wonders in every aspect of our lives. Social Media is undoubtedly one of the most significant fruits of this technological revolution.

The idea of connecting with the whole world and sharing lives together with friends, families, and loved ones was embraced by the world.

Video streaming is kind of a reflection of that same idea where you get to share your raw, uncut world with the world in real-time. Hundreds of platforms have been built to provide a flawless streaming experience.

Although eventually monopoly or duopoly has set in, the industry still looks promising for platforms with something actually unique to provide.

We live in a world of tight security and censorship, whether be it political or corporate. Governments snoop on the citizens. Corporate snoops on the WFH employees to make sure they’re fulfilling their responsibilities. Similarly, tech platforms snoop on users to monitor their behavior to find a way to exploit further.

And to control the collective consciousness of the platform as a whole, a set of obscure community guidelines are in place.

Which primarily serves to punish a creator for creating something that goes beyond the preference of the authority. Obviously, there’s some truth to the matter.

Content that actually harms society, hurts sentiments intentionally, should be dealt with. But that’s often not the case.

Most of the time, it’s about the existence of two different opinions. All it takes is a clash between two communities to ban a video, report a creator, or worse, suspend accounts.

This is what Hoag aims to change.

Video Streaming

Hoag caters to individual creators. It isn’t controlled, monitored, or censored by any central authority.

Heck, there isn’t a central authority, to begin with here.

If you’re a creator, we have, quite simply, a product for you.

A plug-n-play product that you own, operate, and control on your terms.

You bring your own audience and stream your own content. You can monetize your content directly from your audience. Also, you can mint your content and sell it as NFTs. Hoag provides a system that is 100% impenetrable and decentralized.

What is Decentralized?

Hoag is based on the Solana blockchain and powered by Media Foundation for content delivery.

It means not only are we blockchain-based, but we’re also 100% decentralized in matters of content storage and delivery as well.

But these are just some big words that throw creators off.

So let me simplify it for you. When you’re streaming your content, we can’t monitor it. That means, there are no insights coming in.

We don’t know the age of your audience, the location or any kind of audience demographic.

Since we have no information on anything, no question of censorship arrives. All of it depends on you. You choose your subject, it can be anything from gaming to politics to the dark magic of Voldemort.

We let your audience be the judge of that.

The Threat to Your Privacy

This brings us to the looming threat to our privacy. It’s no news that social media tracks its users in every step.
Every online platform sells its user data to data firms. Online ads, search engines, e-com sites exploit these data to sell more products.

Or worse.

Emotional manipulations and neurological exploitation are also the fruit of this abundance of data. Even digital TVs are spying on you today to sell your data to Netflix.

That’s where a decentralized platform comes to your rescue. As mentioned earlier, there’s no one board that runs points here. Every decision is taken through a consensus, every voice is heard.

The democratization of the digital world is finally proving to be possible.

Isn’t uncensored content a threat? That’s what the big corporate houses would like you to believe. People fear what they can’t control.

The Future

The future of decentralized video streaming is brighter than ever. Not only is it giving you a free choice, but also your privacy is being respected and protected here. Decentralized Apps (dApps) are making their way to the mainstream world and people are embracing them with open arms.

Hoag equips your voice with a platform. Do you have a message to share?




Take control over your content and stream it yourself.